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論文名稱(外文):Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of Bi2O2Se And Its Photoconductivity
指導教授(外文):Yon-Hua Tzeng
外文關鍵詞:2D materialsBi2O2Sechemical vapor deposition(CVD)photoconductivity)
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Bi2O2Se is an emerging 2-D material with promising potential for futuristic semiconductor electronics. However, chemically vapor deposition of monolayer and few-layer films on desirable substrates for practical applications is difficult and only few research groups have successfully synthesized it in the past several years. In this thesis, synthesis of Bi2O2Se by thermal chemical vapor deposition using controlled growth temperature, process time, gas flow rate and sample arrangement to optimize the domain size of Bi2O2Se, finally we deposit Bi2O2Se crystal with domain size lager than 200μm. Also we use optical microscopes, raman spectrum and atomic force microscopes to analyze the quality of Bi2O2Se crystal. On device fabrication, we use two different substrate and suitable work function metal electrode avoiding form Schottky barrier. The device is measured for photoconductivity under three different wave length, 405nm, 532nm, 633nm. Comparing different wavelength, power and substrate to the photoconductivity of the device.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2新穎二維材料介紹 3
1.2.1石墨烯(Graphene) 3
1.2.2二硫化鉬(Molybdenum Disulfide, MoS2) 4
1.2.3二維異質材料(2D material heterostructures) 5
1.2.4硒氧化鉍(Bi2O2Se) 6
1.3研究動機 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1硒氧化鉍(Bi2O2Se)的製程方法 8
2.2硒氧化鉍(Bi2O2Se)特性介紹 12
2.3硒氧化鉍(Bi2O2Se)檢測方法 20
2.3.1光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscope, OM) 20
2.3.2原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 21
2.3.3拉曼光譜儀(Raman Spectrum) 22
2.4硒氧化鉍(Bi2O2Se)的光響應機制 23
第三章 實驗方法及儀器介紹 26
3.1化學氣相沉積法(Chemical Vapor Deposition, CVD) 26
3.1.1化學氣相沉積的原理 26
3.2實驗製程設備 28
3.2.1熱化學氣相沉積系統(Thermal CVD) 28
3.2.2黃光製程設備 30
3.2.3高溫真空蒸鍍製程腔體(Thermal Evaporator) 31
3.3實驗分析及量測設備 33
3.3.1光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscope, OM) 33
3.3.2原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 34
3.3.3拉曼光譜儀(Raman Spectrum) 35
3.3.4光學量測平台 37
3.4實驗耗材 38
3.4.1氟金雲母基板 38
第四章 實驗結果與討論 40
4.1氟金雲母基板的前處理 40
4.2大面積硒氧化鉍的成長 41
4.2.1溫度對硒氧化鉍成長的影響 42
4.2.2成長時間對硒氧化鉍成長的影響 44
4.2.3前段升溫對硒氧化鉍成長的影響 45
4.2.4氣體流量對硒氧化鉍成長的影響 46
4.2.5基板擺放對硒氧化鉍成長的影響 48
4.2.6成長硒氧化鉍的發現 50
4.3硒氧化鉍的轉移方法 52
4.3.1氫氟酸轉移(HF Transfer) 52
4.3.2聚苯乙烯轉移(PS Transfer) 53
4.4元件製程 57
4.4.1元件製作於雲母基板 57
4.4.2元件製作於二氧化矽基板 59
4.5光導特性之探討 61
4.5.1量測前電流與雷射光熱退火 61
4.5.2硒氧化鉍於雲母基板上的電性量測 63
4.5.3硒氧化鉍於二氧化矽基板上的電性量測 65
第五章 結論與未來展望 67
第六章 文獻回顧 68
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