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論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Sub-3nm Crystalline Diamond and Its Dispersion and Aggregation Properties
指導教授(外文):Yonhua Tzeng
外文關鍵詞:Nanodiamondair annealingbead-assisted sonic disintegration
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Compared with other members of nanocarbon, nanodiamond has only recently attract extensive attention. Nevertheless, Nanodiamond particles produced by detonation have found a very broad spectrum of applications. Its excellent properties such as non-toixc, biocompatibility and chemical inertness make it an ideal material for biomedical and electronic applications. These nanodiamond produced by detonation are usually lager than 3nm in size. On the other hand, the molecular diamond is termed diamondiods of less than 2nm in size confirmed that it exists in petroleum. Although the most smallest diamondoids known as adamantane containing only 10 carbon atoms can be effectively separated from petroleum, diamondoids which can be obtained from nature decrease in quantity rapidly with increase molecular size. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is filling the size gap between molecular diamond and the nanodiamond.
Nanodiamond particles produced by detonation usually form agglutinates with hard tight bonding due to coherent interfacial Coulombic interactions (CICIs) or incoherent interfacial Coulombic interactions(IICIs),and make significant obstacle in application. Although the hard bonding aggregates can be deaggregated by a strong driving force, it will make more graphitic carbon.
  In this thesis, the nanodiamond is treated by annealing at 500°C in air and decrease the size of nanodiamond by oxidation. On the other hand, the bonding force between particles would be decrease. The bead-assisted sonic disintegration(BASD) is used to deaggregation of oxidized nanodiamond. Finally, we receive stable nanodiamond solution. In addition,the the condition of aggregation due to electrostatic force is study by annealing in different condition of experiment.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 viii
目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2鑽石介紹 1
1.2.1鑽石的特性 3
1.2.2奈米鑽石 6
1.2.3奈米鑽石的分類: 7
1.2.4鑽石的合成: 9
第二章 文獻回顧 14
2.1形成、熱力學與相位轉化 14
2.2 爆炸合成奈米鑽石 15
2.3 奈米鑽石的純化 18
2.3.1 液相純化法 18
2.2.2 氣相純化法 19
2.2.3 電漿純化 21
2.3 氧化動力學 23
2.4 自限式氧化 27
2.5 奈米鑽石的團聚 28
2.6 分散奈米鑽石 31
2.6.1 介質補助濕研磨 31
2.6.2 介質補助乾研磨 33
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 35
3.1實驗流程圖 35
3.2奈米鑽石粉末 36
3.3奈米鑽石純化 37
3.4縮小奈米鑽石 38
3.5分散處理奈米鑽石 38
3.6奈米鑽石尺寸測量 39
3.6.1高解析場發射穿透式顯微鏡(High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy) 39
3.6.2動態光散射儀(Dymanic Light Scattering) 40
3.7奈米鑽石特性分析 41
3.7.1拉曼光譜儀(Raman Spectrometer) 41
3.7.2能量色散X-射線光譜(Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy,EDS) 44
3.8製程設備介紹 45
3.8.1高溫爐(Furnaces) 45
3.8.2微波電漿輔助氣相化學沉積(Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition,MPCVD) 45
3.8.3其他製程儀器介紹 47
第四章 實驗結果與討論 48
4.1純化奈米鑽石的成分分析 48
4.2大氣氧化對於奈米鑽石的影響 51
4.2.1 大氣退火於400°C 51
4.2.2 大氣退火於420°C 54
4.2.3 大氣退火於500°C 55
4.3 奈米鑽石尺寸分析 57
4.3.1 TEM分析與統計 57
4.3.2 動態光散射(DLS)量測 63
4.4 聚集與分散機制探討 64
4.4.1去水奈米鑽石溶液的重新凝聚 65
4.4.2氧化中聚合機制的改變 67
4.5 奈米鑽石膠體溶液的特性 75
第五章 結論與未來展望 77
第六章 參考文獻 78
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