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論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and theoretical simulation of side-pumped combiners
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Yow Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Side-pumpedHigh-power combinerH2-O2 flame
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此篇論文旨在研究side-pumped耦合器的製作,以及耦合效率之量測,並且透過Rsoft軟體的BeamPROP來模擬泵浦光纖(pump fiber)之漸進區(taper region)在不同模態的入射光、不同的拉細斜率及不同拉細長度分別對傳輸能量損耗造成的影響,接著再模擬包括了:入射光模態、漸進區長度、兩耦合光纖間的距離、及燒融深度(fused depth)等等的參數在側面泵浦耦合器中對耦合效率的影響,接著使用實驗室的氫氧燒融機,實作一條side-pumped 耦合器,並透過915nm多模雷射二極體做為光源,打入自製的side-pumped 耦合器並測量其輸出功率,藉以印證我們的燒熔技術可成功燒融出耦合效率夠高的side-pumped 耦合器,並由模擬出來的結果,討論如何改善並提升side-pumped 耦合器之耦合效率,以利將來實驗室自製高功率side-pumped 耦合器的技術發展。
This thesis uses a direct fiber fusing technology to produce a side-pumped combiner. First, we heat and stretch the pump fiber to make a taper region and then we post the pump fiber and signal fiber together. Then we fused two fibers to make the pump fiber couple into the signal fiber. There are lots of elements such as the stretching speed, the heating temperature, the stretching length, influence the structure of two fibers after fusing. After knowing we can make the side-pumped combiner by using the flame, we use the Rsoft beamPROP to simulate the light’s transmission. First, we simulate the loss of the power in pump fiber by using different tapered slope, tapered length, the radius of the pump fiber after stretching, and input light’s mode. Then we simulate the coupling efficiency after two fibers are fused together. In conclusion, we need to design a structure that has a deeper fused depth, a closer distance of two fibers, and a longer tapered length to make a higher coupling efficiency. Moreover, we can find out that fused depth influence the coupling efficiency of low mode light obviously. On the other hand, the distance of two fibers and the taper length of the pump fiber influence the coupling efficiency of high mode light more. By choosing the propriate parameters that we have simulated, we can make a high coupling efficiency side-pumped combiner.
摘要 I
致謝 X
第一章、緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機 3
第二章、原理 4
2-1雷射二極體(LD)及光的模態 4
2-2數值孔徑(NA) 5
2-3漸進區功率損耗 7
2-4側面泵浦耦合器結構圖 9
第三章、側面泵浦耦合器製作實驗 11
3-1實驗硬體介紹(氫氧火炬( flame)) 11
3-2實驗設計及實驗成果 12
3-3馬達拉速與漸進區斜率之關係 19
第四章、側面泵浦耦合器功率量測及模擬 21
4-1功率測量架構及功率改善 21
4-2側面泵浦耦合器效率改善模擬 28
4-2-1Rsoft軟體 28
4-2-2漸進區模擬 31
4-2-3側面泵浦耦合器模擬 39
第五章、總結 49
5-1成果與討論 49
5-2未來展望 51
參考文獻 52
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