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論文名稱(外文):Investigation and Fabrication of All Inorganic Solution-Process Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes
指導教授(外文):Yan-Kuin Su
外文關鍵詞:Quantum DotsNiO nanoparticlesZnO nanoparticlesMgZnO nanoparticlesexciton quenchingall-inorganic quantum dots light emitting diodes
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在本研究中的第一個部分主要探討無機電洞傳輸層材料,氧化鎳因為本身具備的導電性與光學穿透性,使其成為最可行的無機電洞傳輸材料。傳統上以高於攝氏300度的高溫將溶膠凝膠狀的氧化鎳前驅物轉化為氧化鎳薄膜。而本研究所使用的氧化鎳奈米粒子,可經由旋轉塗佈與相對低溫的退火製程得到較佳的氧化鎳薄膜,搭配氧化鋅奈米粒子電子傳輸層製作成完整量子點發光元件,具有最大亮度14,861 cd/m2以及最大電流效率1.336 cd/A的特性並減少製程上花費的時間與設備成本。
第二與第三部分的研究分別探討氧化鋅電子傳輸層與氧化鎳電洞傳輸層所造成激子焠滅的問題與改善。在電子傳輸層部分,透過鎂摻雜來調變氧化鋅當中的缺陷能階,抑制激子的焠滅,量測結果發現10%莫耳分率的鎂摻雜可得到最佳發光特性,其最大亮度與最高電流效率分別為39,483 cd/m2及4.072 cd/A。在電洞傳輸層的部分則是透過原子層沉積系統在氧化鎳與量子點發光層之間形成一層高品質的氧化鋁薄膜,抑制氧化鎳表面鍵結與量子點間的交互作用,並在最大亮度與最高電流效率分別得到1.77倍與1.25倍的改善。
Quantum Dots (QDs) are widely used in optoelectronic devices in recent years. In this thesis, all-inorganic quantum dot light emitting diodes fabrication technology has been developed. The device structure comprises of QDs emitting layer sandwiched between solution-process inorganic metal oxide charge transport layers, and photons were generated in QDs emitting layer via the injection of electrons and holes from electron transport layers (ETLs) and hole transport layers (HTLs). The QDs used in this research is interface grading giant QDs with core/shell structure of CdSe@ZnS/ZnS, and dispersed in the solvent of octane, which is beneficial for solution-process.
In the first part of this research, HTLs are explored. For inorganic HTLs, NiO is one of the most promising materials due to its high conductivity and optical transparency. Traditionally, NiO is formed through the sol-gel process with thermally transforming the precursor solution to NiO films under a relatively high temperature of over 300˚C. In this research, NiO nanoparticles (NPs) are employed and can be formed by spin-coating and annealing at a relatively low temperature of 150˚C which can decrease the cost in devices fabrication. The QLED based on NiO NPs pmHTL with ZnO NPs ETL possesses the characteristics of the maximum luminance of 14,861 cd/m2 and the highest current efficiency of 1.336 cd/A.
The second and third part in this investigation explore the QDs exciton quenching resulted from ZnO ETL and NiO HTL respectively. For the electron transport, the intragap state and conductivity induced from the oxygen vacancies in ZnO can be reduced by the doping of Mg into ZnO NPs. The performance of QLEDs can be improved owing to the suppression of exciton quenching and the balance of charge recombination with the Mg doped ZnO NPs. The maximum luminance of 39,483 cd/m2 and the highest current efficiency of 4.072 cd/A were achieved with the use of Mg0.1Zn0.9O ETLs.
Furthermore, the exciton quenching resulted from the surface state and dangling bond of NiO can be suppressed by the insertion of an ultrathin high-quality Al2O3 passivating layer deposited via atomic layer deposition (ALD). The characteristic of the maximum luminance and current efficiency are 1.77 and 1.25 times higher than that of the device without passivating layer insertion.
摘要 I
Abstract (English) II
誌謝 IV
Contents VI
Table list VII
Figure list IX
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1-1 Introduction of quantum dots 1
1-1.1 The composition of quantum dots 1
1-1.2 Introduction of gradient quantum dots 2
1-1.3 Advantages and applications of quantum dots 2
1-2 Introduction of quantum dot light-emitting diodes 3
1-2.1 Structures and excitation mechanisms of quantum dot light-emitting diodes 3
1-2.2 Quantum dot light-emitting diodes types 3
1-3 Motivation 5
Chapter 2. Processing Procedure of All-inorganic QLEDs 11
2-1 Materials 11
2-1.1 Anode 11
2-1.2 Hole transport layer 11
2-1.3 Passivating layer 11
2-1.4 Emitting layer 12
2-1.5 Electron transport layer 12
2-1.6 Cathode 12
2-2 Experiment process 12
2-3 Measurement and analysis 13
Chapter 3. NiO nanoparticles hole transport layer 19
3-1 Literature review 19
3-2 Device fabrication 20
3-3 Experiment result and discussion 20
3-4 Summary 23
Chapter 4. ZnO and MgZnO nanoparticles electron transport layer 33
4-1 Literature review 33
4-2 Device fabrication 34
4-3 Experiment result and discussion 35
4-4 Summary 37
Chapter 5. Passivating layer between hole transport layer and Quantum Dots 47
5-1 Literature review 47
5-2 Device fabrication 48
5-3 Experiment result and discussion 49
5-4 Summary 50
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Prospects 56
6-1 Conclusion 56
6-2 Future Prospects 57
6-2.1 Optimize the condition of each layer 57
6-2.2 Introduce Silver nanowires as cathode for all-inorganic QLEDs 57
Reference 62
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