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論文名稱(外文):On Big Data Analysis - A Case Study On The Parameters Of Flat Panel Display Optimization Process
指導教授(外文):Chu-Sing Yang
外文關鍵詞:Big Data AnalysisMachine LearningI ndustry 4.0Yield
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本研究利用資料進行知識發掘(Knowledge Discovery from Data,KDD)[1]的觀念進行建立大數據分析的流程,其建立一套完整流程包含問題描述、資料前處理(整合、篩選、擷取),並利用統計學方式找尋製程的變異因子,利用機器學習(支援向量回歸(Support Vector Regression, SVR) /多變項線性迴歸(Multivariate linear regression, MLR))建立模型,並選擇適當的模型來預測其最佳化製程參數,將預測的最佳化參數導入,進行小樣本量產進行效果確認。
Taiwan's flat panel display manufacturing is famous internationally. Its outstanding manufacturing capability can produce high quality panels in the shortest time. In the production process of flat panel displays, the process yield is the best indicator reflecting the good and bad of manufacturers. The yield is directly The decision is to the company's profit and reputation, but also the trust and acceptance of the company's customers. When the products on the production line are abnormal in quality, the process and equipment engineers must immediately discuss the crux of the problem and use it. Decomposition analysis and process management to find out the method, more need to carry out the problem in linear verification, to confirm whether the problem is a single problem, it will produce customer complaints, dissatisfaction with the company, causing the company's losses.Therefore, using Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD) [1] to establish a process of big data analysis, and quickly find the variation factor, coupled with machine learning, so that the research is based on data pre-processing, modeling, and modeling Liangzhu.After the experiment finds the best parameters, it considers the secondary parameters because of the cost considerations of the factory.The yield improvement was 66%.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 VII
目錄 IIX
圖目錄 X
表目錄 X
1. 緒論 XI
1.1 研究背景 XIII
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4 論文架構 3
2. 相關研究 4
2.1 何謂大數據 4
2.2 大數據分析的基礎 4
2.3 大數據分析的步驟 6
2.4資料探勘種類與工具 8
2.5多元回歸分析預測法 10
2.6支援向量回歸分析預測法 11
2.7工業化4.0 16
3. 研究方法 19
3.1個案製程概述 19
3.2平板顯示器於Cell製程的缺陷探討 23
3.3研究架構 24
4. 實驗與驗證 35
4.1自變數與依變數的線性關係及相關係數 35
4.2多變項線性迴歸(Multivariate linear regression, MLR)機器學習 42
4.3支援向量回歸(Support Vector Regression, SVR) 機器學習 44
4.4評價測度與驗證 46
5. 結論與未來展望 50
參考文獻 51
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