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論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Matching Between Thick Film Printed Resistor and Aluminum Electrode
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hsi Lee
外文關鍵詞:Thick FilmAluminum Paste
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隨著厚膜導電膠的發展,目前市面上大多使用銀、銅等作為導電材料, 但銀的成本過高,而銅則必須在氮氣這種還原氣體下才能燒結。本研究以鋁做為材料,具有便宜、導電性佳、抗硫化和可在空氣中燒結等優點。但鋁作為貼片厚膜電阻的電極時有一個須克服的問題:鋁膏與電阻膏燒結後在重疊處會出現預期之外的介面電阻。
With the development of thick film conductive adhesives, silver, copper, etc. are mostly used as conductive materials on the market, but the cost of silver is too high, and copper must be sintered under a reducing gas of nitrogen. This research uses aluminum as a material, which has the advantages of low cost, good electrical conductivity, resistance to vulcanization and sintering in air. However, aluminum has a problem to be overcome when it is used as an electrode for a thick film of a patch: an aluminum paste and a resistor paste exhibit an unexpected interface resistance at the overlap after sintering. In order to understand the cause of the interface resistance generation and reduce the negative impact, the study constructed the equivalent circuit of the cross-pattern current measurement based on the resistance measurement results of the cross-pattern and compared with the actual current measurement. In this paper, two kinds of aluminum paste are used together with two kinds of resistor pastes as the experimental group, and silver paste is used as the control group with two kinds of resistor pastes. Observe which of the high-solids and low-solids aluminum pastes is closer to the silver paste and analyze the cause. Through experiments and analysis, we conclude that the interface resistance is present at the same time as the aluminum paste is diffused, and the interface resistance is affected by two factors: the solid content of the aluminum paste and the resistance of the resistor paste. The high-solids aluminum paste is closer to the performance of the silver paste with the resistor paste in the resistance measurement and current measurement of the cross-pattern. The low-solids aluminum paste is easily diffused by the resistor paste, and the diffusion makes the interface not as clear as the silver paste and the high-solids aluminum paste.
考試合格證明 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
致謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 動機 2
1.3 章節概述 2

第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 壓裂氧化層 3
2.2 液相燒結 4

第三章 實驗與研究方法 6
3.1 實驗架構與步驟 6
3.2 實驗設備與量測儀器 9
3.2.1 網版印刷 9
3.2.2 快速燒結爐 12
3.2.3 量測儀器 12

第四章 實驗與討論 15
4.1 十字圖形阻值量測 15
4.1.1 低阻電阻膏之十字阻值量測 18
4.1.2 高阻電阻膏之十字阻值量測 20
4.1.3 不同玻璃含量時鋁膏的阻值表現 22
4.2 十字圖形電流量測之等效電路構想 24
4.2.1 等效電路之假設與建構 24
4.2.2 等效電路延伸討論 34
4.3 十字圖形電流量測 35
4.3.1 低阻電阻膏之十字電流量測 35
4.3.2 高阻電阻膏之十字電流量測 37

第五章 結論 41

參考文獻 42
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