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論文名稱(外文):Effects of Extremely-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Human Sleep Quality Using Machine Learning and Heart Rate Variability
指導教授(外文):Ling-Sheng Jang
外文關鍵詞:Sleep qualityHeart rate variabilitySupport vector machineELF-EMF
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據2017年台灣睡眠醫學學會統計,全台約11.3%的人口擁有睡眠障礙或曾經受其所苦[37],然而睡眠障礙的成因和睡眠品質之度量都十分複雜,以往需要多導睡眠圖(Polysomnography ,PSG) 來記錄受試者睡眠過程之電生理信號,而根據紀錄來判斷睡眠型態也需要受訓過的醫療人員來執行,PSG的多導程電極對受測者睡眠中的舒適性也有不小的影響,量測期間花費的金錢及人力成本是非常可觀的。
本研究旨在開發一種睡眠品質評估系統,其量測裝置以單導程之心電量測裝置進行數據採集。除了進行心律變異性(Heart Rate Variability, HRV)分析,此系統演算法也使用美國麻省理工學院資料庫(MIT-BIH) 之心電數據預處理後,使用決策樹和支持向量機技術進行建模,並以此模型進行睡眠狀態的判斷與解析,資料庫的測試集中此演算法的架構獲得61.75%的全局準確度和52%的解碼準確度,其性能相較其他常用模型更符合本研究需求,以此系統實驗並分析極低頻電磁場對人體睡眠狀態和HRV的影響。從模型分析的結果可以發現7.83±0.3Hz的極低頻電磁場暴露會使受試者的睡眠階段分部受到改變,其睡眠時的心律變異性參數中高頻部分功率比重提升,總和結果揭示極低頻電磁場具有改善睡眠品質的效果。
According to the 2017 Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine, about 11.3% of people in Taiwan have sleep disorders or have suffered from it. [37] However, the causes of sleep disorders and the measurement of sleep quality are very complicated. In the past, polysomnography (PSG) was needed to record the electrophysiological signal of the tester's sleep process, and the sleep pattern according to the record also needs to be performed by the trained medical personnel. The multi-lead electrode of the PSG also has a significant influence on the comfort of the subject during sleep. The money and labor costs incurred during the period are very substantial.
The purpose of this study was to develop a sleep quality assessment system in which the measurement device performs data acquisition with a single-lead heart-powered device. In addition to heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, this system algorithm is also pre-processed using the MIT-BIH database, using decision tree and support vector machine technology. The model is used to judge and analyze the sleep state. The database test concentrates on the architecture of this algorithm to obtain 61.75% overall accuracy and 52% decoding accuracy. The system experiments and analyzes the effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep state and HRV. From the results of the model analysis, it can be found that the exposure of the very low frequency electromagnetic field of 7.83±0.3 Hz will change the sleep stage of the subject, and the power of the high frequency part will increase in the heart rhythm variability parameter during sleep. The sum result reveals the extremely low frequency electromagnetic field has the effect of improving sleep quality.
中文摘要 ..............................................I
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................VII
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................VII
CHAPTER 1 Introduction................................1
1-1 Background and motivation..........................1
1-1-1 Background.......................................1
1-1-2 Motivation.......................................4
1-2 Introduction of HRV................................6
1-3 Introduction of ELF-EMF............................9
1-4 Introduction of Parasympathetic Nervous System.....11
CHAPTER 2 MATERIAL AND METHOD.........................12
2-1 ECG Sampling system................................12
2-2 ECG Signal processing..............................14
2-2-1 ECG Signal resampling............................16
2-2-2 ECG Signal detrending............................17
2-2-3 ECG Signal detect R peak position................20
2-3 HRV frequency domain analysis......................21
2-4 Sleep stage classification.........................23
2-4-1 Decision tree architecture.......................24
2-4-2 Feature selection................................25
2-5 ELF EMF device design..............................26
2-5-1 Frequency parameter of signal....................27
CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP..........................29
3-1 Experiment of ELF EMF effect on sleep..............29
4-1 Experiment results.................................32
4-1-1 Experiment results of the sleep stage classification.........................................32
4-1-2 Experiment results of ELF EMF effect on HRV during
4-1-3 Long-term experiment results of ELF EMF effect on HRV during sleep.......................................40
4-2 Discussions of experiment results..................44
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION..................................48
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