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論文名稱(外文):A Non-exhaustive Hardware SAT solver with Deeper State Exploration Capability
指導教授(外文):Yean-Ru Chen
中文關鍵詞:布林可滿足性問題解法器WalkSAT 演算法
外文關鍵詞:Boolean satisfiability problemSolverWalkSAT algorithm
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Determining whether a boolean formula can be find a set of solutions to bring the results of the boolean formula to true is boolean satisfiability(SAT) problem.
SAT problem is widely used in the field of electronic automation design(EDA), including circuit synthesis, and formal verification and so on. SAT algorithm is generally divided into two types: complete algorithm and incomplete algorithm.
Complete algorithm is a way to explore the entire solution space. It can prove whether the problem has a solution. Incomplete algorithm uses local search method
, which doesn't memorize the space that has been explored, so it cannot prove whether the problem has a solution, but if the problem is solved, it has a great chance of finding a set of solutions to be in a short time. In the case of circuit verification, you will encounter insufficient resources. When the circuit design becomes more and more complicated, complete algorithm will encounter the problem of explosion of the search state space, resulting in poor search efficiency. The disadvantage of using incomplete algorithm is no way to find a complete solution space, but it can find more solutions in a short time.
Complete algorithm is not good at exploring deep verification depth.
There are opportunities to explore quickly through the characteristics of incomplete algorithm.

Traditionally, incomplete algorithm only selects variables from the unsatisfied clause to do the flip operation.
However, this paper proposes a method of adding
the flip of the variable from the global scope of the SAT problem in the incomplete algorithm.
It is possible to reduce the total number of flips of the incomplete algorithm from experimental result, and this special flip operation is faster than the flip operation from unsatisfied clause.
This paper implements incomplete algorithms on the field programmable logic array(FPGA).
Compared to the previous work, we have accelerated the average time by 2.06 times.
Abstract ii
第一章緒論 1
1.1 SAT 問題 1
1.2 名詞介紹 1
1.3 電路驗證 3
1.4 SAT 演算法 5
1.4.1 完整演算法 6
1.4.2 不完整演算法 8
1.5 研究動機與論文貢獻 9
1.6 論文組織 10
第二章文獻探討 11
2.1 WalkSAT algorithm 11
2.2 Hardware SAT solver 12
2.2.1 Complete algorithm 14
2.2.2 軟硬體混合SAT solver 14
2.2.3 Incomplete algorithm 14
第三章研究方法 16
3.1 研究動機 16
3.2 全域式翻轉(Global flip) 17
3.3 演算法與硬體流程 18
3.4 硬體資料表示法 23
3.5 系統架構 25
3.6 系統前端驗證 40
第四章實驗結果 48
4.1 系統規格 48
4.2 Variable 初始化探討 50
4.3 機率對解決SAT 問題的影響 52
4.4 General flip 和Global flip 的比較 55
4.5 數據比較 58
第五章結論 62
5.1 未來展望 62
References 63
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