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論文名稱(外文):Bidirectional CLLC Resonant Converter with Low Line-Frequency Ripple for Battery Power System
指導教授(外文):Tsorng-Juu Liang
外文關鍵詞:bidirectional power flowDC-DC power converterszero voltage switchingzero current switchingdouble line frequency reduction
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傳統充電轉換器之輸出含有市頻漣波成分,而造成高電流漣波而影響電池壽命。本論文研製具數位控制之低市電漣波隔離型雙向CLLC諧振轉換器,利用雙迴路控制處理回授之輸出與系統頻率的調節,其中外迴路利用輸出直流電壓控制CLLC之中心頻率,內迴路利用輸出漣波調整操作頻率達到抑制低頻漣波效果。本論文藉由穩態分析並實作一低市頻漣波雙向諧振CLLC電路之實驗雛型,其輸出額定功率為1.5 kW,匯流排電壓390 V,電池端電壓150 V,並以數位訊號處理器TMS320F28335驗證本論文所提出之雙迴路控制法,降低市頻漣波,並達成自然切換,此轉換器操作於充電模式之最高效率為97.2%,操作於放電模式之最高效率為94.9%,滿載時低市頻漣波降低80%。
The traditional charging systems applied to batteries have double line frequency ripple, and produce large current ripple in the battery to decrease the battery’s life time. This thesis implements a bidirectional CLLC resonant converter with low line-frequency ripple by dual loop control, in which the outer loop is used to modulate output voltage by controlling the center switching frequency, and the inner loop is used to suppress the output voltage to control the switching frequency variation in half line cycle. Additionally, analyzing the dual loop control by the steady state analysis. Finally, the experimental prototype with rated 1.5 kW, DC high voltage 390 V and battery voltage 150 V is implemented by a DSP TMS320F28335 to verify the theoretical analysis. The results demonstrate that the double line frequency ripple is reduced over 80%, the maximum conversion efficiency is 97.2% in charging stage, and the maximum conversion efficiency is 94.9% in discharging stage.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2 Introduction of the Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter and
Ripple Reduction Control 6
2.1 Introduction of DC-DC Bidirectional Converter with PWM Control 6
2.2 Introduction of DC-DC Bidirectional Converter with PFM Control 10
2.3 Introduction of Double Line Frequency Reduction Control 12
Chapter 3 Operating Principles of Bidirectional CLLC Resonant Converter
and Ripple Voltage Feedback Method 17
3.1 Steady State Characteristics of CLLLC and CLLC Resonant Converter 18
3.2 Operating Principles of Bidirectional DC-DC CLLC Resonant Converter 27
3.3 Output Ripple Reduction with Output Voltage Ripple Feedback Control 39
Chapter 4 Hardware Implementation and Discussions 41
4.1 System Specifications and Key Components Design 41
4.2 Simulated and Experimental Results and Discussions 50
4.2.1 Bidirectional Energy Transferred and Discussions 50
4.2.2 Ripple Feedback Control and Discussions 66
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 70
5.1 Conclusions 70
5.2 Future Works 71
References 72
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