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研究生(外文):Hoang NgocTan
論文名稱(外文):On the Innovation Design of Novel Transmission Systems for Electrified Vehicles
指導教授(外文):Hong-Sen Yan
外文關鍵詞:electric vehicleshybrid electric vehicleshybrid transmissionmotor transmissionplanetary gear trainstransmission simulationcreative design
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透過MATHLAB/SIMULINK軟體的模擬,對油電混合傳動系統而言,新型設計在市區與高速公路的油耗分別為58.38和 55.03 mpg;而對馬達傳動系統而言,在歐盟汽車運行工況下的模擬油耗為137 mpg,與市面上現有的油電混合車和電動車標準化油耗排名相比具競爭潛力。
Nowadays, with the achievement of technology that introduces new components such as transmissions, electric motors and batteries, several electric vehicles (EV) are released on the market. The important reasons are to decrease the environmental pollution by using the none fossil fuels, lower transportation operating costs, and general consumer interest in the new technology.
In this dissertation, a design flow chart is suggested and elucidated depended on an improved methodology of Yan’s creative mechanism design to synthesize the novel transmission mechanisms for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and EVs. The hybrid transmission and motor transmission, two popular types of hybrid systems applied in vehicles, are analyzed and studied. In most transmissions, the mechanisms are simple planetary gear trains (PGTs) and compound PGTs. By using the techniques of power arrangement and clutch arrangement, the feasible mechanisms are applied for synthesizing clutchless and clutched transmissions.
There are 7 simple PGTs and 87 compound PGTs including the simple PGT, double planet PGT, compound PGTs with seven-link, and compound PGTs with eight-link that are synthesized. By using the arrangement techniques for power and clutches, many novel hybrid and motor transmissions are synthesized without or with clutches/brakes. Two types of synthesized novel feasible hybrid and motor transmissions are taken as the cases to dissect the working principle conjoined both power flow paths and operation modes. In addition, these designs are conducted for the modeling and computer simulation procedure to obtain the results of energy management strategy and operation mode variation.
By simulating with MATHLAB/SIMULINK, the simulation of novel designs have the fuel consumptions equal to 58.38 MPG in urban cycle and 55.03 MPG in highway condition for hybrid transmission and 137 MPG in new European drive cycle for motor transmission. The normalized fuel consumptions are very compatible with the existing HEV and EV models on the market.
摘要 I
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 1
1.2 Objectives 3
1.3 Organization of Dissertation 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Historical Development 6
2.2 Architectures of HEVs 8
2.3 Architectures of EVs 12
2.4 Methodology 16
2.5 Summary 19
Chapter 3 Synthesis of the Feasible PGT(s) Mechanisms 20
3.1 Procedure of Configuration Synthesis 20
3.2 The Simple PGT 21
3.2.1 Existing Design 21
3.2.2 Generalized Kinematic Chains 23
3.2.3 Feasible Specialized Chains 23
3.2.4 Atlas of Mechanism Designs 27
3.3 The Double Planet PGT 27
3.3.1 Existing Design 27
3.3.2 Generalized Kinematic Chains 29
3.3.3 Feasible Specialized Chains 29
3.3.4 Atlas of Mechanism Designs 33
3.4 The Compound PGTs 33
3.4.1 Existing Design 33
3.4.2 Generalized Kinematic Chains 36
3.4.3 Feasible Specialized Chains 37
3.4.4 Atlas of Mechanism Designs 41
3.5 Summary 41
Chapter 4 Synthesis of the Hybrid Transmissions 44
4.1 Hybrid Transmissions with the Simple PGT 44
4.1.1 Six-link Mechanism 44
4.1.2 Atlas of Clutchless Hybrid Transmissions 45
4.1.3 Atlas of Clutched Hybrid Transmissions 47
4.2 Hybrid Transmissions with the Compoud PGTs 51
4.2.1 Eight-link Mechanism 51
4.2.2 Atlas of Clutchless Hybrid Transmissions 51
4.2.3 Atlas of Clutched Hybrid Transmissions 54
4.3 Novel Hybrid Transmissions 58
4.4 Summary 58
Chapter 5 Synthesis of the Motor Transmissions 60
5.1 Motor Transmissions with the Simple PGT 60
5.1.1 Six-link Mechanism 60
5.1.2 Atlas of Clutchless Motor Transmissions 61
5.1.3 Atlas of Clutched Motor Transmissions 62
5.2 Motor Transmissions with The Compoud PGTs 65
5.2.1 Eight-link Mechanism 65
5.2.2 Atlas of Clutchless Motor Transmissions 66
5.2.3 Atlas of Clutched Motor Transmissions 68
5.3 Novel Motor Transmissions 70
5.4 Summary 70
Chapter 6 Design of the Novel Transmission Systems 72
6.1 Teeth Number Constraints 72
6.1.1 Gear Teeth Constraints 72
6.1.2 Planetary Gear Teeth Constraints 72
6.1.3 Gear Ratio Constraints 74
6.1.4 Assembly Constraints 74
6.2 Design Specifications 76
6.2.1 Vehicle and Environment 76
6.2.2 Required Performances 77
6.2.3 Power Sources 77
6.3 Teeth Number Design 78
6.3.1 Feasible Gear Ratios 78
6.3.2 Teeth Number Calculation 81
6.4 Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses 82
6.4.1 A Novel Hybrid Transmission Using a Compound PGT 82
6.4.2 A Motor Transmission Using a Compound PGT 89
6.5 Summary 93
Chapter 7 Simulation of the Novel Transmission Systems 94
7.1 Simulation Model 95
7.2 Control Logic 104
7.2.1 Gear Determination 105
7.2.2 Fuel Consumption 106
7.2.3 Mode Determination 109
7.3 Optimization 110
7.3.1 Optimization Constraints 110
7.3.2 Charging Condition Optimization 112
7.3.3 Combined Power Mode Optimization 114
7.3.4 Split Power Mode Optimization 115
7.4 Simulation Result 117
7.4.1 The Novel Hybrid Transmission 117
7.4.2 The Novel Motor Transmission 120
7.4.3 Comparison 123
7.5 Summary 126
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Suggestions 128
8.1 Conclusions 128
8.2 Suggestions 129
Appendix A Atlas of Block Diagrams of PGT Mechanisms 137
Appendix B Atlas of (6, 8) Clutchless Hybrid Transmissions 139
Appendix C Atlas of (6, 8) Clutched Hybrid Transmissions 140
Appendix D Atlas of (8, 12) Clutchless Hybrid Transmissions 141
Appendix E Atlas of (8, 12) Clutched Hybrid Transmissions 145
Appendix F Atlas of (6, 8) Clutchless Motor Transmissions 149
Appendix G Atlas of (6, 8) Clutched Motor Transmissions 150
Appendix H Atlas of (8, 12) Clutchless Motor Transmissions 151
Appendix I Atlas of (8, 12) Clutched Motor Transmissions 152
VITA 153
自述 154
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