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論文名稱(外文):Refinement and in Vitro Verification of Percutaneous Pedicle Guiding System
指導教授(外文):Jing-Jing Fang
外文關鍵詞:percutaneous vertebroplastyC-armsurgical guideT-barCross-bar
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為了使PV系統符合臨床需求,本研究提出結合專家經驗規劃技巧,於軟體內建立定位塊樣板資料庫,以提高軟體計算精度。為了更提升硬體系統精度,重新設計T-bar機構,解決前期機構存在的問題,依據使用者須進行雙側施打需求設計Cross-bar,並透過結構精度驗證實驗取得系統硬體的穿刺精度,得到針尖點平均誤差1.018±0.428mm。假體模擬實驗,獲得針尖點平均誤差從9.27±6.15mm下降到3.48±1.18 mm,系統平均拍攝X光張數從9.00±1.14張下降至5.86±0.91張,實驗平均耗時從1482±314秒下降至401.73±49.90秒。本研究精進PV系統精度,若能解決機構與體表的固定做法,精度足可達腰椎經皮誤差2.0mm需求,可進入人體臨床試驗。
Due to current progress in biomedical technology, computer-assisted surgical navigation system becomes one of the important research fields in biomedical engineering. In order to improve the safety, accuracy and predictable outcomes of surgery, several available navigation systems using in spine surgery targeting pedicle screw insertion had been applied. Compare to open surgery, there are serveral significant reductions in blood loss, less of hospital stay and infection rates in percutaneous ways of surgery. Precision of percutaneous puncture is the major concern. Main purpose of this research is to establish a safety puncture trajectories during percutaneous puncture through pedicles of vertebras. In order to reduce the amount of X-ray taken, and also to reduce the learning curve of junior physicians, our previous study proposed a PV (Percutaneous Vertebroplasty) system, which uses only AP and Lat. X-ray image sourse in operation room with a needle-holder mechanism to plan and guide the puncture trajectory. We have evaluate the the percutaneous puncture system, and the amount of X-ray image taken, by in vitro experiment.

We refined and developed the PV system to meet the clinical needs. In this study, we embedded an expert-based planning tool, established locator sampling database in the planning software to increase the image manifold of the software. Moreover, we have redesigned the T-bar mechanism to solve the problems occurs in early stage in order to decrease the errors of the hardware. Nevertheless, the previous T-bar, we named it Cross-bar, wasdesigned for bi-lateral puncture accordingly. The puncture errors of the hardware structure in average is 1.018±0.428mm between planning and practical endpoints of the needles. In in vitro experiment, error of the needle tip was decreased from 9.27±6.15mm to 3.605±1.282 mm in average, and amount of X-rays taken was decreased from 9.00±1.14 to 5.80±0.89 in average, and time consume was decreased from 1482± 314 seconds to 407.084 ± 63.750 seconds in average. This study refined the PV system. Necessary accuracy in pedicle puncture of lumbar vertebra could meet the clinical requirement of 2.0mm, in which we may transfer the system using in clinical trial.
摘要 I
致謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2 研究動機與目的 5
1.3 本文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 脊椎最小侵入式手術方法 8
2.2 光學式導航系統 11
2.3 機械臂輔助導航系統 16
2.4 各式輔助臨床手術的醫療器材 21
第三章 脊椎經皮穿刺導引系統 26
3.1 系統架構 26
3.1.1 硬體架構 27
3.1.2 軟體架構 33
3.2 系統操作流程 38
3.3 腰椎路徑規劃專家經驗 44
第四章 可調式穿刺導引機構 48
4.1 機構設計需求 48
4.2 可調式穿刺導引機構之設計 52
4.2.1 導引機構設計 52
4.2.2 新型可調式導引機構 58
4.3 雙側可調式導引機構 64
4.3.1 雙側機構設計 64
4.3.2 雙側可調式穿刺導引機構 67
第五章 系統精度及穩定度驗證 71
5.1 系統精度驗證 71
5.1.1 實驗方法 71
5.1.2 實驗結果 76
5.2 系統穩定度驗證 80
5.2.1 實驗設計 81
5.2.2 實驗結果 85
5.2.3 討論 98
5.3 小結 102
第六章 討論結論與未來展望 104
6.1 討論 105
6.2 結論 107
6.3 未來展望 109
參考文獻 112
附錄A 精度驗證實驗 126
附錄B 假體實驗 129
附錄C 假體實驗骨釘分級結果 153
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