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論文名稱(外文):Deciphering memory storage hypothesis:Behavioral tagging and savings processes in juvenile mice
指導教授(外文):Kuei-Sen Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Behavioral taggingCellular taggingDopaminecAMP response element binding protein (CREB)Savings
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在此研究中,我們首先探討早年記憶是否可以透過某些操弄,使其維持更持久。在成年小鼠中已被證實的行為標記假說,我們測試利用行為標記中常用的新環境探索,來促進雄性出生後20天幼年小鼠記憶的維持。以環境恐懼約制實驗模式,在特定時間內讓小鼠接受新環境刺激,我們發現其具有將環境恐懼短期記憶轉化成長期記憶的作用。此外,僅有新穎環境對於小鼠才具有行為標記的效果。我們也發現新環境探索促進長期記憶形成,取決於多巴胺D1 / D5受體的激活,並且需要在背側海馬迴CA1神經元具有新蛋白質合成的能力。然而,新環境誘導長期環境恐懼記憶具有環境專一性的,小鼠並不會因此對不同環境混淆。而我們也發現藉由環磷腺苷效應元件結合蛋白的磷酸化(p-CREB),探索新穎環境會增加海馬迴CA1錐狀神經元再次活化的比例,形成穩定的長期記憶。
Episodic memories acquired in early-life are more unstable and rapidly forgotten in both humans and non-human animals. Nonetheless, early life experiences have been documented to profoundly affect brain function throughout life span. This paradox raises the possibility that, under certain circumstances, the developing brain is capable of producing long-lasting memories. However, these long-lasting memories are disturbing to be retrieved when growing up. In this study, we first asked whether exposure to a novel environment, a process named behavioral tagging, could promote the persistence of weak memories in male juvenile mice (postnatal day 20). Here, using a contextual fear conditioning (CFC) paradigm, we showed that a weak training protocol, inducing a transient form of memory, results in long-term memory (LTM) when paired with an exploration to a novel, but not a familiar, environment occurring close in time to the training session. The promoting effect of the novel context exploration (NCE) on LTM formation dependends on the activation of dopamine D1/D5 receptors and requires new protein synthesis in the dorsal hippocampus. This NCE-induced LTM shows context specificity. Moreover, NCE increases the proportion of CA1 pyramidal neurons expressed the phosphorylation state of cyclic AMP-responsive element binding protein (pCREB) after CFC training and the degree of overlapping CA1 neuronal ensembles engaged by CFC and NCE. Second, we asked if the memories of childhood are non-existent. Using the savings theory to explore whether early-life fear memory can promote learning in adulthood, we found that the existence of influence of early-life memory traces in which promotes the similar fear memory formation in adulthood. These results provide direct support for the existence of a time-dependent behavioral tagging process and savings theory.
中文摘要 I
英文延伸摘要 IV
致謝 VII
目錄 (Table of Contents) VIII
圖目錄 (Table of Figures) IX
縮寫檢索表 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1. 學習與記憶 2
1-2. 海馬迴CA1與記憶之相關性 3
1-3. 行為標記及細胞標記假說 4
1-4. 節省法則 6
1-5. 研究假說及目的 7
第二章 材料及方法 9
第三章 實驗結果 17
3-1. 新環境探索促使幼年小鼠形成長期恐懼環境之記憶 18
3-2. 新環境促使海馬迴合成蛋白質促進長期記憶穩定 19
3-3. 行為標記之新環境探索促進專一環境恐懼約制之長期記憶 20
3-4. 行為標記之新環境探索促使重複活化神經元之比率增高 21
3-5. 行為標記需要Dopamine D1/D5 receptor參與活化 22
3-6. 行為標記藉由提高細胞興奮性參與學習標記 23
3-7. 早期生活恐懼痕跡會促使成年後恐懼記憶學習 24
第四章 討論 26
第五章 結論 31
第六章 圖表 33
第七章 參考文獻 49
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