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研究生(外文):Ying YuChen
論文名稱:分析不完美 Axicon 透鏡產生的拉曼激發光束及對應拉曼光譜的後處理
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Raman Excitation Beams from Impetect Axicon Lens and Post-processing of the Corresponding Raman Spectra
指導教授(外文):Shiuan-Yeh Chen
外文關鍵詞:Axicon’s imperfectionsdark-field Raman microscopesWhittaker baseline methodsignal-to-noiseSavitzky–Golay smoothing filter
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The annular beam is used to be light source in dark-field microscopes; however, collimated beam can’t be shaping to annular beam by paired Axicon lens’ imperfections; thus, crescent beam is substituted for annular ones.
There are two parts of content in the report.
In the first part, we explained why it can’t take shape annular beam by paired Axicon lens’ imperfections. Afterwards, we explained why we choose crescent beam to be being substituted for annular ones, furthermore, collimated beam can be shaped to crescent beam by paired Axicon lens, that is closely related to Axicon lens’ imperfections. We compared simulation result with measure ones, the purpose of study reported in this article was to compare to the effects of annular beam’s size and distribution.
In the second part, we suggest two ways to subtract each noise. The first way is Whittaker baseline method, substrate’s signal and dark-current’s signal belong to baseline (noise), the baseline can’t be ignored; hence, we must solve spectrum’s baseline; Besides, Raman spectrum’s baseline can be solved by Whittaker baseline method; then, spectrum’s signal processing combine this method with signal-to-noise. The second way is Savitzky–Golay smoothing filter. Raman spectrum’s noise can be observed as a function of wavelength; the second way’s method can filter out this noise. After that, Raman spectrum’s characteristic peak is more obvious than which spectrum without filtering.
Abstruct ·················II
第一章 介紹·················1
1.1 前言················1
1.2 動機················1
1.3 文獻探討···············2
1.3.1 月形光斑激發的暗場拉曼系統的光學原理······4
1.3.2 拉曼光譜訊號的後處理··········8 Whittaker平滑演算法去除基線········8 Savitzky–Golay平滑演算法平滑曲線·····8
1.4 文章架構···············9
第二章 研究方法··············10
2.1 拉曼光譜學原理與拉曼強度···········10
2.1.1 拉曼光譜學原理·············10
2.1.2 拉曼強度(Raman intensity) ·········12
2.1.3 分子震動態頻率ν_ν與拉曼位移·········13
2.2 使用儀器介紹:拉曼量測系統··········13
2.2.1 拉曼系統使用之光源···········13
2.2.2 拉曼系統使用之收光系統··········15
2.2.3 傳統聚焦拉曼系統光路設置··········17
2.2.4 暗場拉曼系統光路設置···········17
2.2.5 Axicon透鏡的不理想性質·········19
2.3 高斯光束由Axicon透鏡整形成的貝索光束·······26
2.4 月形光斑激發的暗場拉曼系統·········27
2.5 使用Whittaker演算法取基線·········28
2.6 拉曼光譜的訊雜比分析············29
2.7 Savitzky–Golay平滑演算法··········33
第三章 研究結果··············34
3.1 雷射正中打入單片與兩片不理想Axicon透鏡所產生的光學現象····················34
3.1.1 雷射進入單片Axicon透鏡,以頂角後方位置為觀察面,對照觀察面的實驗結果與模擬結果,來找到最符合實際透鏡模型····················34
3.1.2 雷射進入兩片Axicon透鏡,以第二片Axicon透鏡後方位置為觀察平面,對照觀察面的實驗結果與模擬結果,來找到最符合實際透鏡模型··················42
3.2 雷射進入同時平移兩片不理想Axicon透鏡組出射月形光斑··48
3.2.1 同時平移兩片不理想Axicon透鏡組整形的月形光斑···48
3.2.2 同時平移兩片不理想Axicon透鏡組後,再進行微小旋轉而整形的月形光斑···············52
3.3 對拉曼光譜使用Whittaker平滑演算法取基線,訊雜比計算結果····················54
3.4 對拉曼光譜使用Savitzky–Golay平滑演算法強化拉曼特徵····················60
第四章 結果討論··············61
4.1 月形光斑激發的暗場拉曼系統待克服的問題······61
4.2 不理想Axicon透鏡討論············62

5.1 使用Whittaker平滑演算法取基線的MATLAB程式····64
5.2 Savitzky–Golay平滑演算法的MATLAB程式······64
5.3 計算不理想Axicon之雙曲線函數的MATLAB程式·····68
5.4 光譜接譜················68
5.4.1 計算對應中心波長下,光譜拍攝波長範圍·····68
5.4.2 確定光譜拍攝的波長範圍與重疊率,計算出要拍攝光譜張數與對應的中心波長···············69
5.5 最大熵求值法··············70
5.5.1 最大熵求值法原理···········70
5.5.2 相位恢復的最大熵求值法··········71

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