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論文名稱:使用有效率標註之主動學習方式於極度資料不平衡問題: 應用於H&E染色肝臟組織病理影像上之淋巴球偵測
論文名稱(外文):Annotation-Effective Active Learning for Extreme Class Imbalance Problem: Application to Lymphocyte Detection in H&E Stained Liver Histopathological Image
指導教授(外文):Pau-Choo Chung
外文關鍵詞:Active learningclass imbalanceComputer-aided detection and diagnosisconvolutional neural networksdeep learninglymphocyte detectioncell detectiondigital histopathological image
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Medical images segmentation is a fundamental challenge in medical image analysis. A major concern in the application of biomedical images in deep learning is insufficient number of annotated samples. Since the annotation process requires specialty-oriented knowledge and there are often too many instances in images (e.g. cells), this can incur a great deal of annotation effort and cost. Another concern is class imbalance problem, which is a critical obstacle commonly occurred in biomedical images. Considering the application of lymphocyte detection, an important lymphocyte subpopulation is extremely fewer than other cells, which would make training more biased toward the majority class. However, traditional labeling strategies, such as active learning, are ineffective in finding enough minority samples to train. Hence, this study deploys a low-cost method for manual annotation for efficiently lymphocyte detection in domains exhibiting extreme class imbalance. To address these problems, this paper proposed an active learning framework to reduce the total labeled workload while solving the extreme class imbalance problem by both under-sampling majority class and over-sampling minority class. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve annotation-effective solution in extremely imbalanced class segmentation. The contribution of the proposed method has three-fold, (1) we proposed an AL framework for solving the extreme class imbalance problem by both under-sampling majority class and over-sampling minority class. (2) the proposed framework achieves good performance for lymphocyte detection in histopathological image with fewer labeled samples. Finally, (3) quantitative analysis of lymphocytes is provided for more objective diagnosis.
摘要 I
Abstract III
Table of Content VI
List of Tables VIII
List of Figures VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose 3
1.3 Challenge of lymphocyte detection in histopathology image 7
1.4 Active learning 11
1.5 Proposed method 13
Chapter 2 Related Works 15
2.1 CNN methods for medical image segmentation 15
2.2 Imbalanced data 16
2.2.1 Resampling 16
2.2.2 Minority object penalty loss 17
2.3 Lessen the burden of manual annotation 17
2.3.1 Transfer learning for medical image 17
2.3.2 Active learning methods 18
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 21
3.1 Histopathology Images Acquisition 22
3.2 Annotation-effective Active learning 24
3.3 Active candidate selection 25
3.3.1 Model Uncertainty Estimation 25
3.3.2 Randomness 29
3.3.3 Minority sampling 29
3.3.4 Minority data-augmentation 30
3.4 Minority-Sensitive Dice Loss 31
3.5 Continuously fine-tuning 34
3.6 Implementation Details 35
3.7 CNN Models 36
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussions 39
4.1 H&E Stained Liver Tissue Dataset 39
4.2 Evaluation Criterion 42
4.3 Make Balance vs. Minority Sampling 43
4.4 Performance of AL_MB_MS 44
4.5 Performance of High Skew Ratio in Minority samples 47
4.7 Result of Cell Detection 49
4.8 Quantified result of lymphocyte detection 53
4.9 Platform 53
Chapter 5 Conclusion and future work 55
References 56
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