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論文名稱(外文):A Tool for Musical Phrasing and Synthesis
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yu Su
外文關鍵詞:musical phrasingsynthesis
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A piece of music, like an article, consists of a few sentences that form a paragraph, and several paragraphs form a complete chapter. If we read an article without punctuation, we don’t know when to break, so we could be out of breath. Besides, the tone should be plain, like a robot. Therefore, when the music is played, it is also indispensable for the player to correctly phrase the sentence. The well-known composer Chopin once said to his students, “He who phrases incorrectly is like a man who does not understand the language he speaks.” With the correct phrasing, we can apply different musical expressions, such as crescendo, diminuendo, accelerando or ritardando, to make a song no longer monotonous. Therefore, this paper analyzes the symbolic representation information on scores to find out the method of musical phrasing, so that it can be used to synthesize the music with expression and intonation.
We first improved the existing music structure analysis algorithm, which is based on the melody of music to find the repeat structure of a song, and then realize the function of musical phrasing. In order to have better results, in addition to melody, we also included note value and beat into the basis of our musical phrasing, and evaluated the effect of the three kinds of information from the melody, note value and beat on the musical phrasing.
We used 32 nursery rhymes as a database; since these songs all have lyrics, we used the punctuation in the lyrics as the ground truth to the musical phrasing and used this to validate our algorithm.
After taht, we can apply the musical phrasing to the existing music synthesis method, giving different expressions to each phrase, making the synthesized music sounding like played by a human.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 2
2.1 Phrasing 2
2.2 Synthesis 2
2.3 Musical Structure 3
Chapter 3 Materials 6
3.1 System Architecture 6
3.2 Possible Boundaries 6
3.3 Musical Phrasing 8
3.4 Synthesis by Phrases 9
Chapter 4 Evaluation 10
4.1 Dataset 10
4.2 Evaluation of Phrasing 10
Chapter 5 Discussion 12
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 13
References 15
Appendix I (PBMelody) 17
Appendix II (PBIOI) 19
Appendix III (PBBeat) 21
Appendix IV (PBMelody∩PBIOI) 23
Appendix V (PBMelody∩PBBeat) 25
Appendix VI (PBIOI∩PBBeat) 27
Appendix VII (PBMelody∩PBIOI∩PBBeat) 29
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