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論文名稱(外文):Constructing a Model of Transformation Design for Traditional Crafts – Taking Hakka Bamboo Curtain Crafts as an Example
指導教授(外文):Meng-Dar ShiehKuo-Hsiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:traditional craftbamboo curtain crafttransformation designcreative ideationvalue assessmentcultural and creative products
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本研究結合形態分析法、屬性列舉法及 SCAMPER 奔馳法建構一份創意
This study aims to create a model for reference for transformations of traditional crafts designs. It takes Liudui’s traditional bamboo curtain crafts as an example to explore the possibilities of transformation design for traditional crafts. The transformation design of traditional crafts is different from the design of new products, and the basis of the design cannot deviate from the original threads. Accordingly, the main goal of this research is to engage in transforming the design of products, which is based on tradition, and to break away from its framework at the same time.
The design of creative thinking structure lies in Morphological Analysis, Attribute Listing, and SCAMPER. This research was also supplemented by the Delphi method for expert consultation. Through the checklist, the independent viewpoints of each expert were collected, and from their repeated feedback and aggregation, the recommendations were summarized and finally based on this, simulation designs of bamboo curtains and value assessment and analysis of the value levels were carried out to explore various possibilities of transformation design for bamboo crafts.
This study, by taking scholarly discussions and expert opinions and consultations into account, constructs three levels of value in the design of cultural and creative products. The products with different design orientations have different core focuses. Craft design and industrial design products are more focused on the satisfaction of “Practical Level, while creative design products are more focused on “Sensory Level.” Cultural products are more focused on “Spiritual Level,” but creative and cultural products' design does not focus on a single value level, instead, they attempt to balance the multiple values to meet the diverse needs of consumers. Therefore, a well-designed cultural and creative product not only has the value on the practical level but also has the values on the sensory and spiritual levels. The proportion of the three value levels depends on the difference in product design attributes. They can have different focuses, but should not be neglected. The product that can be balanced among the three is the best creative and cultural product. Therefore, it is expected that this study, through the construction of a model of transformation design for bamboo curtain crafts, is able to establish a model of transformation design for products of crafts for reference, hoping that the traditional crafts can not only be based on tradition but also bring consumers a refreshing feeling and revive the past glory.
Table of Contents
Abstract ................ I
Acknowledgement ..............III
Table of Contents .................... IV
List of Tables ................... VII
List of Figures ...............XI
Chapter 1 Introduction ...............
1 1.1 Research motivation and purpose ................... 1
1.1.1 Research Motivation ................... 1
1.1.2 Research Purpose ....................3
1.2 The Studied Region and Object ....................4
1.2.1 Research Region ................... 4
1.2.2 Research Object ................... 5
1.3 Research Structure and Flowchart ....................6
1.3.1 Research Structure ....................6
1.3.2 Research Process ....................7
Chapter 2 Literature Review ...................12
2.1 Product design methods .................... 12
2.1.1 Shape transformation design methods ...................12
2.1.2 Shape combination design method ...................14
2.2.Cultural product design model ...................15
2.3 Creative ideas generating methods .................... 17
2.3.1 Brainstorming ...................18
2.3.2 Lateral Thinking ...................19
2.3.3 Visual Thinking ...................21
2.3.4 Attribute listing Method ...................23
2.3.5 Check-List Technique ...................24
2.4 Culture value level ...................27
2.4.1 The classification of culture level ...................27
2.4.2 The spatial perspective of culture level ...................27
2.4.3 Emotional designs level ...................29
Chapter 3 Research Methods ...................30
3.1 Research Methods ...................30
3.1.1 Field Survey ...................31
3.1.2 Morphological Analysis.................31
3.1.3 Attribute Listing ...................32
3.1.4 SCAMPER creative thinking checklist ...................33
3.1.5 Delphi Method、Modified Delphi Method ................... 35
3.1.6 Questionnaire survey .................... 37
3.2 Research Design ...................38
3.2.1 Creative thinking checklist for bamboo curtain design ............. 38
3.2.2 Creation of the Creative Thinking Checklists of Four Attributes for Bamboo Curtain Designs and Checking Items .................... 43
3.2.3 Establishment of Value Level Assessment Checklist for Cultural and Creative Products ...................56
Chapter 4 Creative thinking strategies for bamboo crafts transformation design . 72
4.1 Checklist of attributes and features for a bamboo ....................72
4.1.1 Checklist of attributes and features for a bamboo strip ............. 73
4.1.2 checklist of attributes and features for piping ................. 76
4.1.3 Checklist with items of attributes and features for cotton strips ......... 79
4.1.4 Checklist of attributes and features for painting ................ 82
4.2 Investigation on the degree of consensus of attributes and features for a bamboo ... 85
4.2.1 Investigation on the degree of consensus of attributes and features for a bamboo strip ...................85
4.2.2 Investigation on the degree of consensus of attributes and features for piping . 87
4.2.3 Investigation on the degree of consensus of attributes and features for cotton strips ...................89
4.2.4 Investigation on the degree of consensus of attributes and features for painting .. 90
4.3 Screening and aggregation of transformation ideas for bamboo curtain attributes ... 93
4.3.1 Screening and aggregation of transformation ideas for bamboo strips' attributes . 93
4.3.2 Screening and aggregation of transformation ideas for piping .......... 98
4.3.3 Screening and aggregation of transformation ideas for cotton strips ...... 102
4.3.4 Screening and aggregation of transformation ideas for painting ....... 105
4.4 Aggregation of bamboo curtains' design ideas at value levels ............ 108
4.4.1 Practical level ................... 108
4.4.2 Sensory level ....................110
4.4.3 Spiritual level ....................114
4.4.4.Summary ....................117
Chapter 5 Simulation Design verification and Value Assessment Analysis ... 122
5.1 Selected transformation ideas and simulation for bamboo curtains .......... 122
5.1.1 Element A: Selection of bamboo strips' transformation ideas ......... 122
5.1.2 Element B: Selection of piping's transformation ideas ............ 126
5.1.3 Element C: Selection of cotton strip's transformation ideas .......... 130
5.1.4 Element D: Selection of painting's transformation ideas ........... 132
5.2 Simulation design and design changes of Bamboo curtain ............... 138
5.2.1 The A series: Blue Blouses ....................138
5.2.2 The B series: the traditional architecture ....................148
5.2.3 The C series: paper umbrellas ................... 158
5.3 Value assessment and analysis of Bamboo Curtains ................. 168
5.3.1 Bamboo curtain samples for value assessment ................ 168
5.3.2 Value Assessment Questionnaire of Bamboo Curtains ............ 173
5.3.3 Statistics of Value Assessment Questionnaire of Bamboo Curtains ...... 175
5.4 Analysis and comparison of the value levels of bamboo curtains ........... 178
5.4.1 Analysis of Variances in Practical Levels ....................178
5.4.2 Analysis of Variances in Sensory Levels ....................180
5.4.3 Analysis of Variances in Spiritual Levels .................... 182
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Suggestion ................... 185
6.1 Conclusion ................... 185
6.2 Suggestion ................... 190
References ................... 192
Appendix ................... 197
Appendix A, The bamboo curtains hung in Liudui. ....................197
Appendix B, Collected bamboo curtain samples and classification ........... 205
Appendix C, The traditional process for producing bamboo curtains........... 214
Appendix D, Questionnaire Design ................... 217
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