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論文名稱(外文):Assessment of Inverter Circuits using Silicon Quantum Dot-Based Single-Electron Transistors at Room Temperature
指導教授(外文):Meng-Hsueh Chiang
外文關鍵詞:single-electron transistortunneling effectCoulomb blocking oscillation effectSIMONcomplementary single electron transistor inverter circuit
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Since the advent of Moore's Law in 1964, the evolution of semiconductor process technology has been progressed to 5nm technology node (N5). In the process of size reduction, the short channel effect becomes more serious, and the quantum confinement effect becomes more and more obvious. To solve these problems, the International Semiconductor Technology Development Roadmap (ITRS) proposes many emerging components. The single-electron transistor, using tunneling effect and Coulomb blocking oscillation effect as the mechanism of electron conduction, not only improves the short-channel effect, but is compatible with the silicon process, and can also use the quantum confinement effect in turn. However, its operation is easily affected by the thermal disturbance caused by the ambient temperature, so it is not suitable for practical application at room temperature.
In this thesis, we theoretically estimate the conditions required for a single-electron transistor that can be operated at room temperature; and refer to the published simulation parameters and experimental data of a silicon quantum dot single-electron transistor that can be operated at room temperature. We utilize SIMON, a single electron device and circuit simulator, to establish a model of complementary single electron transistor in-verter circuits.
Finally, based on the existing device parameters and theory, we adjust the parameters of gate capacitances and the tunneling barrier capacitances, discuss how to make the noise margin larger to optimize the DC characteristics of the circuit model, and propose a feasible circuit design methodology.
摘要.................................................. II
Abstract .............................................IV
Table Captions .......................................IX
Figure Captions ......................................IX
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................1
1-1 Background and Motivation .........................1
1-2 Fundamental of Single-Electron Transistors............................................5
1-2-1 Overview of Quantum Dots ........................6
1-2-2 Coulomb Blockade...............................................7
1-3 Introduction to the Simulation Tool .......................................................9
Chapter 2 Modeling Methodology for Silicon-Quantum Dot-Based Single-
Electron Transistors .................................12
2-1 Gibbs Free Energy for Single-Electron Systems ....12
2-2 Orthodox Theory of Single-Electron Tunneling .....15
2-3 Broadening of Energy States ......................17
Chapter 3 DC Transfer Characteristics of Single Electron Transistor Inverters.......19
3-1 Static SET Inverter DC Characteristics ...........20
3-2 Effects of Device Parameter Variation on the Noise Margin ...................23
3-2-1 Variation of VDD ...............................23
3-2-2 Distribution of Device capacitances ............................................25
3-3 Proposed Design for the Future Work..................................................29
Chapter 4 Conclusion .................................31
Appendix A The Calculation of Gibbs Free Energy for Single-Electron Systems 36
A-1 Electron Tunneling from Source to Quantum Dot ....36
A-2 Electron Tunneling from Quantum Dot to Source ....36
A-3 Electron Tunneling from Quantum Dot to Drain .....37
A-4 Electron Tunneling from Drain to Quantum Dot .....37
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