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研究生(外文):Wu, Wan-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fostering Employee Promotive Voice Behavior: Effect of Empowering Leadership and Coworker Empowering Behavior
指導教授(外文):Kao, Kuo-Yang
外文關鍵詞:empowering leadershipcoworker empowering behaviorpromotion focuspromotive voice behavior
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在這快速改變的社會中,為了要保有組織在市場上的優勢,鼓勵員工提出有利組織的想法逐漸演變為重要的議題。促進型建言意旨員工主動提出與工作有關的意見或者想法,去改善實際流程和程序的運作,提高工作表現和績效 (Liang et al., 2012)。為了了解促進行建言的前因和如何會導致促進行建言,本研究以調節定向理論為基礎,促進焦點為中介,調節變項為同事授權行為,檢驗其與授權領導和促進型員工建言的關係。兩階段的資料來自台灣的全職員工 (N = 119),使用階層迴歸分析驗證所提出的假設,研究結果為授權領導會影響和促進型焦點分別會產生促進型建言行為,員工的促進行焦點不會被授權領導影響,再者,展現促進型建言行為與否和同事授權行為無顯著關係。最後針對研究結果、未來探討方向及實務應用提出討論。
The ideas which can raise performance and make processes efficient during work is promotive voice behavior (Liang, Farh, & Farh, 2012). In order to keep the advantage of the organization in the marketplace, encouraging employees to speak up becomes an important issue. However, the antecedents and consequences of engaging in promotive voice behaviors are yet to be understood. This study tested a sequence of analysis to manifest the effects of empowering leadership and coworker empowering behavior on promotion focus and promotive voice behavior. Two-wave panel data were collected from 119 full-time employees in Taiwan to test the hypotheses. The study found that promotion focus and empowering leadership were related to promotive voice behaviors, respectively. However, mediating effect of promotion focus and moderating effect of coworker empowering behaviors on the abovementioned relationship was not being found. This study will also discuss theoretical, practical implications of this study, and future research direction.
English Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Figures v
Introduction 1
Literature Review 4
Regulatory Focus Theory 4
Method 13
Participants and procedure 13
Measures 14
Results 16
Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) 16
Hypotheses Testing 17
Discussion 21
Theoretical Implications 21
Practical Implications 22
Limitations and Future Research 22
Conclusion 23
References 25

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1. 探討時間壓力、工作控制、工作倦怠與員工建言 行為之關係:檢驗個人-工作適配之調節作用
2. 同事建言行為、建言安全感與個體建言行為關係之探討:情感型信任及知覺同事網絡中心性的調節效果
3. 挑戰型-阻礙型壓力源對於員工建言行為的影響:以調節焦點理論作為中介
4. 公部門僕人式領導與員工建言行為之初探─以臺北、新北市第一線服務機關為例
5. 主管不當督導與部屬建言行為之關係研究:以主管-部屬交換關係為中介因素
6. 授權領導、單位工作自主性及團隊合作相關性之探討—以中部某醫療機構護理單位為例
7. 組織建言氣候與員工建言行為關係之研究-以新北市政府警察局為例
8. 知覺組織圈內人角色對員工建言行為之影響:當責感的中介效果與信任主管的調節效果
9. 授權領導與教學創新-內在動機之中介效果與授權角色認同之調節效果
10. 倫理領導對建言行為的影響:對主管認同的中介效果與主動性人格的調節效果
11. 承諾型人力資源管理措施在組織承諾、知識分享、心理契約及授權領導之影響下,對台灣高科技產業創新績效之影響
12. 建言行為與員工信任對工作績效之影響–以P公司為例
13. 權力距離、組織政治知覺、組織信任、工作滿意度和員工建言之研究
14. 授權領導與組織認同關係之研究
15. 科技業內部行銷對員工建言行為之影響 —以工作鑲嵌為中介變項