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研究生(外文):Chung, I-Shan
論文名稱:OLED照明產業化之策略分析 以工業技術研究院為例
論文名稱(外文):A Strategic Analysis of OLED Lighting Industry - Industrial Technology Research Institute
指導教授(外文):Lin, T.R.
口試委員(外文):Lin, T.R.Huang, Shih-PingLee, S.J.
外文關鍵詞:OLED LightingRoll-to-RollIndustry Strategic Analysis
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React to the green lights in 2016, the Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan has included LED and OLED lighting in the conserve energy to reduce carbon emission as innovation program. Due to OLED lighting has many advantages such as: light, thin, flexible design, soft & surface light source, no glare, no flicker, high color rendering and low surface temperature; Also, it is flexibility to be used and customized, complete to change of consuming habits, so it has become the next generation lighting actively invested by European, American, Japanese and Korean manufacturers. According to the UBI Research's latest global OLED lighting market, the OLED lighting market is estimated to be $300 million in 2019. By 2020, the global OLED lighting market is expected to grow to approximately $1.6 billion.
Confront with the competition in the lighting market, how to promote the supply chain by using roll-to-roll OLED lighting and effective competitive strategy to meet the niche market, becoming an important challenge for OLED lighting manufacturers.

At the industry level, I use the five forces and competitive strategy to analyze the competition strategy of the roll-to-roll OLED lighting industry. At the company level, the case study is used to discuss the suitable business model for the case company and put forward practical management implications through expert interview.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究目的 2
1-4研究對象與範圍 3
1-5 研究流程 3
1-6 研究限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2-1 競爭策略基本原理 5
2-2 五力分析基本原理 6
2-3 商業模式 11
2-4 相關文獻 14
第三章 產業概況 16
3-1 OLED照明與LED照明比較 16
3-2 OLED照明產業應用 19
3-3 OLED照明產業分析 25
3-4 OLED照明產業分析(台灣) 27
3-5 OLED照明產業分析(全球) 29
第四章 研究方法介紹 33
4-1個案分析法 33
4-1-1個案分析的定義 33
4-1-2個案研究法特色 33
4-1-3個案分析法之研究設計 34
4-2 專家訪談法 36
4-2-1專家訪談的定義 36
4-2-2 訪談法定義 37
4-2-3 專家訪談程序 38
4-2-4 專家訪談方式 39
4-3 次級資料收集法 41
4-3-1 初級資料定義 41
4-3-2 次級資料定義 42
第五章 產業競爭策略 45
5-1 OLED照明產業的五力分析 45
5-2 OLED照明產業競爭優勢 46
5-3 OLED照明產業競爭策略 47
第六章 公司商業模式 51
6-1 工業技術研究院背景介紹 51
6-2 工業技術研究院策略發展歷程 52
6-3 專家訪談結果與分析 55
6-4 工業技術研究院適合之商業模式 58
第七章 結論與建議 60
7-1 結論與建議 60
7-2 研究限制 61
參考文獻 62
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