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研究生(外文):Wang, Nai-Min
論文名稱(外文):Face De-identification with GAN
指導教授(外文):Kao, Chu-Lan
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Yu-JenChien, Jen-TzungWang, Chuan-JuKao, Chu-Lan
外文關鍵詞:face de-identificationGANimage process
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近幾年來, 影像發展蓬勃, 不論是娛樂、生活或是教育, 影像佔
了很大的比例, 然而在某些場合人們需要保留隱私, 現今常見的處
理是馬賽克, 而馬賽克會影響觀看的視覺觀感, 加上卷積神經網絡
的進步, 已經進步到可透過除去馬賽克還原圖片, 人們的隱私將會
受到危害, 因此希望透過這篇論文來討論透過生成對抗式神經網絡
的模型來加強人臉去識別化的效果, 主要是透過設計網絡架構以及
函數的變化來達到去識別化的目的, 提出二次投影的方法希望將原
Recently, images and videos are explosively growing no matter in
entertainment, education or daily life. They take lots of proportion in
our lives. However, people do not like to be recognized sometimes. They
need to keep their identities in privacy. The common method to deal
with this situation is pixelation which may make the audience feel bad.
Besides, the convolution network improves to restore pixilated parts
and recognize the original identification, which is a threat for people
who want to keep their privacy. Therefore, this paper targets to discuss
de-identification with GAN through designing the architecture of the
network and objective function with better performance. In particular,
we propose a twice mapping method, which essentially maps the original
image to a de-identified fact. As far as know, this is the first time that
such kind of method has been proposed in the de-identification
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Related Work 2
2. Implement 3
2.1. GAN 3
2.2. Dataset 5
2.3. Problem 6
2.4. Objective and Structure 8
3. Experiment 13
3.1. Pixelization case 13
3.2. Penalty case 14
3.3. Mapping case 19
4. Comparison of methods 21
5. Conclusions and Discussions 23
6. Reference 24
7. Appendix 26
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