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研究生(外文):Hung, Hao-Heng
論文名稱(外文):An Anomaly Detection Model to Detect Botnet Network Flows Using Gaussian Mixture Model
指導教授(外文):Tzeng, Wen-Guey
口試委員(外文):Tzeng, Wen-GueyTsai, Shi-ChunShieh, Shiuh-pyngSun, Hung-Min
外文關鍵詞:BotnetMachine learningAnomaly detectionGaussian mixture modelnetwork flow profiling
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Internet is one of the most important reasons that modern society has been evolving so fast. Even if people are separated far away from each other, they can still communicate with each other via Internet. However, that’s where the Internet security issues come in. Botnet is one of the vital problems among them. As a result, researchers have devoted themselves into botnet detection related research since 2010.
Nevertheless, traditional botnet researches need botnet traffic as their training data, which is hard to collect. Because of that, we aim at proposing a botnet detection model that needs only normal network traffic as our training data. We first separate different types of network traffic into groups, and use the features that are commonly used in botnet detections, such as total packet size, total number of packets, or first packet size in a network flow, to create a Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM) as a profiling for each group. When we want to classify an unknown network flow, we compare the unknown one with all the normal ones we have seen before. If they are similar according to our profiling, then we classify the unknown flow as normal network flow, otherwise, as bot network flow.
摘 要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
1. 介紹 1
1.1 背景介紹 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 貢獻 4
1.4 全文架構 4
2. 相關研究 5
2.1 anomaly detection 5
2.2 signature based detection 5
2.3 machine learning based 5
3. 研究方法 7
3.1 異常偵測 7
3.2 高斯混合模型 (Gaussian Mixture Model, GMM) 7
4. 系統設計 9
4.1 總覽 9
4.2 前處理 10
4.3 訓練模式 10
4.4 偵測模式 11
5. 系統實作 12
5.1 使用工具介紹 12
5.1.1 sklearn 12
5.1.2 pandas 12
5.1.3 numpy 12
5.2程式流程 13
5.2.1 pcap檔案轉成txt檔案 13
5.2.2 封包轉成網路流 14
5.2.3 網路流特徵計算 15
5.2.4 網路流分組 19
5.2.5 訓練高斯混合模型 23
5.2.6 偵測未知網路流 24
5.3 GUI工具 25
6. 資料集與實驗 26
6.1 資料集介紹 26
6.2 評估指標介紹 27
6.3 實驗 28
6.3.1 殭屍網路與一般正常網路流量特徵觀察 28
6.3.2 不同類型流量的特徵觀察 29
6.3.3 有無將流量分類對於偵測不同殭屍網路的比較 32
6.3.4加入雜訊 35
6.3.5 School與Lab資料集實驗結果的比較 36
7.結論 37
參考資料 38
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