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研究生(外文):Yi-Chieh Chen
指導教授(外文):Hin-Chi Lei
外文關鍵詞:Strongest Intersection of Circular Arc of EarthquakeStrong Earthquake
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This research thinks that the intersection of arcs of earthquskes can be taken as the result of the interaction of two stress concentration regions in the crust. We select an appropriate minimum magnitude of seismic events to display the coordinates of the seismic events on the Taiwan map by MATLAB. And then we try to find the strongest intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes from the points on the map. If no intersection can be found, the magnitude will be reduced until we find the strongest intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes (SICAE). According to the pattern of the intersection, it can be divided into the strongest single intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes (SSICAE) and the strongest double intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes (SDICAE).
SICAE can be regarded as the indicators of the intersections of two systems of stress concentration of the crust. The time range of the seismic events considered in this thesis is from June 1976 to December 1989. The SICAEs will be analyzed individually according to the type, uniformity and the sum of the released energy of the key events of each intersection. The purpose of this analysis is to study the temporal and spatial correlations between the SICAE around Taiwan and the strong earthquakes nearby.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xv
符號說明 xix
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究方法 2
1-4 研究空間及時間 2
二、 地震圓弧介紹及資料庫建置 3
2-1 地震目錄介紹 3
2-2 地震圓弧介紹 5
2-3 地震圓弧定義 5
三、 地震預測分析 7
3-1 地震圓弧之交叉 7
3-2 最強地震圓弧交叉所作之強震預測 8
3-3  台灣歷年案例分析說明 10
3-3-1  1976年 10
3-3-2  1977年 19
3-3-3  1978年 28
3-3-4  1979年 37
3-3-5  1980年 46
3-3-6  1981年 55
3-3-7  1982年 64
3-3-8  1983年 73
3-3-9  1984年 82
3-3-10 1985年 93
3-3-11 1986年 103
3-3-12 1987年 112
3-3-13 1988年 121
3-3-14 1989年 130
四、   資料統計 139
4-1     最強地震圓弧交叉統計資料 139
4-2     最強地震圓弧雙交叉統計資料 144
4-3     最強地震圓弧雙凸型交叉統計資料 154
4-4     最強地震圓弧交叉之DT與能量關係 163
4-4-1  最強地震圓弧交叉能量介紹 163
4-4-2  最強地震圓弧交叉能量之歷年案例 164
4-4-3  最強地震圓弧交叉之能量分析 168
五、   結論 199
5-1   後續強震發生概率 199
5-2   能量與後續強震發生概率 202
參考文獻 206
附錄一 208
附錄二 210
[1]H.C. Lei and C.W. Tang, Circular arcs and curvilinear distributions of events of earthquakes in Taiwan, The Thirteenth National Conference on Structural Engineering, The Third National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taiwan. 2016.
[2]H.C. Lei, Circles, circular arcs and lines of earthquakes around Taiwan, The 40th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2016.
[3]H.C. Lei, Circles arcs and lines of earthquakes around Taiwan(Ⅱ):The 15th Conference on Land studies, Tainan, Taiwan, 2019.
[4]H.C. Lei, Some ideas for constructing significant intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes, Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, 2017.
[5]H.C. Lei, Strongest double intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes around Taiwan, The 23rd Forum on Land Use and Planning, Tainan, Taiwan, 2019.
[6]H.C. Lei, ASICAE by HinChi Lei to find the strongest intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes. https://youtu.be/tvgYLpoH9T4,2019.
[7]H.C. Lei, Developing the prediction of strong earthquakes within 70 days, https://youtu.be/gFvJ0T99TJg,2019.
[8]Tsai, Wei-Yuan, Relations between Strong Earthquakes and the Intersections of Circular Arcs of Earthquakes around Taiwan(1976 to 1988),Master Thesis, National Central University, Taiwan, 2017.
[12]孫培芸,台灣主地震圓弧交叉與大震之關聯(1976年至1989年),碩士論文,國立中央大學,台灣, 2018年。

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