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研究生(外文):Wei-Hao Wang
論文名稱(外文):Studies of the Interaction Mechanism between DNA with Silica Surface by Microcalorimetry and Isotherm Measurements
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yih Chen
外文關鍵詞:silicaDNAIsothermal Titration Calorimetry
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微小核醣核酸 (miRNAs)在許多疾病的診斷以以及治療上為一個非常具有潛力的生物標靶分子。目前市售萃取miRNA的萃取套組大多是結合液相萃取及固相萃取以達到萃取miRNA之最大效率。但目前大多的研究專注於萃取出更大量及更高純度的miRNA,而缺乏有關核酸吸附機制之研究,進而限制了萃取核酸的應用及發展。
在固相萃取中,最常以二氧化矽當作是吸附核酸的材料,而二氧化矽和核酸之間的吸附作用力依據不同溶液條件,大致可以分成以下四種(1)核酸和二氧化矽表面之氫鍵鍵結 (2)核酸和二氧化矽表面水分子之輸水效應 (3)分子間的靜電作用力 (4)核酸二氧化矽間之鹽橋效應。此外,我們觀察在Hofmeister series中將鹽離子之水合能力,由較強的kosmotrope至較弱的chaotrope對二氧化矽吸附核酸之吸附行為之影響。我的研究主要是利用恆溫吸附實驗和微熱量滴定卡計(ITC)所得出之熱力學參數分析吸附行為,並以熱力學的角度去觀察上述四種作用力,在不同溶液條件下主導作用力之轉換。
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are potential biomarkers that could be applied on the diagnosis and treatment of different disease. However, the lack of knowledge of the binding mechanism of using silica as a material for adsorbing nucleic acids limit the improvement and application.
The driving forces of the adsorption process can be divided into four parts based on different solution conditions (1) shielded intermolecular electrostatic forces (2) dehydration of the DNA and silica surfaces, (3) intermolecular hydrogen bond formation in the DNA–silica contact layer and (4)salt bridge effect between silica and DNA.
This work demonstrates the mechanistic aspects underlying the adsorption behaviors of DNA with mesoporous silica particles in aqueous solution. We changing pH value, ionic strength, three types of salt (NaCl, GuHCl, GuSCN). Using the isotherm adsorption experiment combined with isotherm titration calorimetry (ITC), we observe adsorption mechanism from the viewpoint of thermodynamics. From the ITC data, Na+ and Gu+ play different roles in the adsorption process from the change in reaction enthalpy at high pH value. Finally, we observe the relationship between these four driven forces by the change of enthalpy (∆H) and entropy (∆S).
摘要 i
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xi
一、緒論 1
二、文獻回顧 3
2.1核酸介紹 3
2.1.1核酸分子 3
2.1.2去氧核醣核酸 5
2.1.3核糖核酸結構 7
2.2核酸萃取 8
2.2.1液相核酸萃取 8
2.2.2固相核酸萃取 8
2.3核酸吸附於二氧化矽表面之吸附機制 10
2.3.1吸附作用力 10
2.4Hofmeister series 22
2.5Langmuir adsorption isotherm model 27
2.6恆溫滴定微卡計 28
2.6.1恆溫滴定微卡計介紹 28
2.6.2吸附熱計算 31
三、實驗藥品、儀器及方法 33
3.1實驗藥品 33
3.2儀器設備 34
3.3實驗方法 35
3.3.1恆溫吸附實驗 35
3.3.2恆溫滴定微卡計實驗 36
四、結果與討論 38
4.1pH值對吸附行為之影響 38
4.2鹽類差異 42
4.2.1離子水合能力對吸附行為之影響 42
4.2.2鹽橋效應 50
五、結論 61
六、未來展望 64
七、參考文獻 65
八、附錄 69
恆溫吸附實驗數據 69
ITC數據 70
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