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研究生(外文):Guan-Yin Wang
外文關鍵詞:live streamingonline streamingstreamerscharismatic leadershipauthoritarian leadershipservant leadershiployaltycognitive loyaltyaffective loyaltyconative loyaltyaction loyaltyself-construalindependent self-construalinterdependent self-construal
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According to the literature that discusses about live streaming, this study founds out that, instead of focusing on the type of streamers, most of studies about streamers focus more on specific streaming clips, characteristics and gender of the streamers and influence to the audience. However, the type of streamers plays an important role in live streaming. When it comes to audiences, most of studies focus on their internal and external motivation, behaviors and the time they spent. Nevertheless, they rarely discuss about their personal characteristics and psychologic. And these are significant reasons that urge them to subscribe, donate and pay more attention. Therefore, the main orientation of this study is“How do audiences affect their loyalty, when they faced different types of streamers”. Moreover, this study takes self-construal of the audience as moderator.
There are two research methods in this study, experimentation method and questionnaire method. In experimentation method, this study films six clips of live streaming videos that are present by a male and a female streamer. Each of them perform three types of streamers. At last 246 effective questionnaires are collected and analyzed by ANOVA. In questionnaire method, this study collects 308 effective questionnaires that was tested in the name of famous streamers nowadays, and analyzed by Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM).
This study can be discussed in two parts. First part discusses about How do audiences affect their loyalty, when they faced different types of streamers. As the result says, it will have significant outcome when audiences facing the streamer that have characteristics of servant leadership and charismatic leadership. However, it won’t have significant outcome when audiences faced the streamer that have characteristics of authoritarian leadership. The second part of the study also discusses about How do audiences affect their loyalty, when they faced different types of streamers. Moreover, this part considers about self-construal of the audience as moderator. As the result says, when audiences that have different types of self-construal faced different types of streamers, they will have different outcome of loyalty.
The contribution of this study can be discussed in five parts. First, inorder to complement the lack of theory about streamers, this study take the lead in using three type of leadership to classify famous streamers nowadays. Second, in order to complement the lack of theory about psychological changement while audience are watching live streaming, this study use loyalty to measure the result when audiences facing different types of streamers. Third, in order to complement the lack of theory about psychological changement when audience are watching live streaming, this study take self-construal of the audience as moderator to measure the result when audiences faced different types of streamers. Forth, this study also provides Practical advices for streamers, which can help them receive audiences’ attention, loyalty, subscription and donation. Fifth, in order to measure the relationship between streamers and audiences, this study is analyzed by Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM). And provides Empirical Research by analyzed three variables: types of streamers, loyalty of audiences and the self-construal of the audience.
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
致謝辭 ix
目錄 xi
圖目錄 xvi
表目錄 xvii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究動機與預期貢獻 6
二、文獻探討 9
2-1 魅力型領導(Charismatic Leadership) 9
2-2 威權型領導(Authoritarian Leadership) 11
2-3 服務型領導(Servant leadership) 12
2-4 忠誠度(Loyalty) 14
2-5 自我建構(self-construal) 17
2-6 研究假設 20
三、研究方法 38
3-1 研究對象與樣本方法 38
3-2 實驗法 41
3-2-1 實驗設計 41
3-2-1-1 直播主候選人挑選 41
3-2-1-2 直播主候選人外表吸引力調查 45
3-2-1-3 直播劇本撰寫 45
3-2-1-4 直播影片拍攝 45
3-2-1-5 直播影片剪輯與後製 46
3-2-1-6 實驗法問卷設計 50
3-2-2 實驗測量 50
3-2-2-1 直播主候選人外表吸引力調查前測 50
3-2-2-2 直播影片剪輯與後製前測 51
3-2-2-3 正式問卷 55
3-3 一般問卷法 59
3-4 變量衡量方式 60
3-4-1 直播主領導風格 60
3-4-1-1 魅力型領導 61
3-4-1-2 威權型領導 62
3-4-1-3 服務型領導 63
3-4-2 觀眾自我類型 64
3-4-3 觀眾忠誠度階段 66
3-5 控制變數 68
3-6 分析方法 69
3-6-1 敘述性統計與相關分析 69
3-6-2 因素分析 70
3-6-3 信度分析 70
3-6-4 效度分析 71
3-6-5 共同方法變異控制 71
3-6-6 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 72
3-6-7 階層線性模型分析 72
四、資料分析與研究結果 74
4-1 實驗問卷 74
4-1-1 敘述性統計分析 74
4-1-2 相關分析 77
4-1-3 信度分析 81
4-1-4 建構效度分析 81
4-1-4-1 收斂效度 81
4-1-5 分析結果 83
4-1-5-1 認知忠誠 84
4-1-5-2 情感忠誠 85
4-1-5-3 意圖忠誠 87
4-1-5-4 行動忠誠 88
4-2 一般問卷 89
4-2-1 敘述性統計分析 89
4-2-2 相關分析 93
4-2-3 信度分析 96
4-2-4 建構效度分析 96
4-2-4-1 收斂效度 96
4-2-4-2 區別效度 98
4-2-5 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 99
4-2-6 共同方法變異分析與因素分析 100
4-2-7 階層線性模型之假設分析結果 101
4-2-7-1 「認知忠誠」、「情感忠誠」、「意圖忠誠」、「行動忠誠」之虛無模型 101
4-2-7-2 三種領導風格對「認知忠誠」之關係 103
4-2-7-2-1 「魅力型領導」對「認知忠誠」之關係 103
4-2-7-2-2「威權型領導」對「認知忠誠」之關係 104
4-2-7-2-3「服務型領導」對「認知忠誠」之關係 105
4-2-7-3 三種領導風格對「情感忠誠」之關係 107
4-2-7-3-1 「魅力型領導」對「情感忠誠」之關係 107
4-2-7-3-2 「威權型領導」對「情感忠誠」之關係 108
4-2-7-3-3「服務型領導」對「情感忠誠」之關係 108
4-2-7-4 三種領導風格對「意圖忠誠」之關係 111
4-2-7-4-1 「魅力型領導」對「意圖忠誠」之關係 111
4-2-7-4-2 「威權型領導」對「意圖忠誠」之關係 112
4-2-7-4-3「服務型領導」對「意圖忠誠」之關係 112
4-2-7-5 三種領導風格對「行動忠誠」之關係 115
4-2-7-5-1 「魅力型領導」對「行動忠誠」之關係 115
4-2-7-5-2 「威權型領導」對「行動忠誠」之關係 116
4-2-7-5-3 「服務型領導」對「行動忠誠」之關係 116
4-2-7-6 「獨立型自我」對三種領導風格至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 119
4-2-7-6-1 「獨立型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 119
4-2-7-6-2 「獨立型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 120
4-2-7-6-3 「獨立型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 121
4-2-7-7 「獨立型自我」對三種領導風格至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 123
4-2-7-7-1 「獨立型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 123
4-2-7-7-2 「獨立型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 124
4-2-7-7-3 「獨立型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 125
4-2-7-8 「獨立型自我」對三種領導風格至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 128
4-2-7-8-1 「獨立型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 128
4-2-7-8-2 「獨立型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 130
4-2-7-8-3 「獨立型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 130
4-2-7-9 「獨立型自我」對三種領導風格至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 133
4-2-7-9-1 「獨立型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 133
4-2-7-9-2 「獨立型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 135
4-2-7-9-3 「獨立型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 135
4-2-7-10 「依賴型自我」對三種領導風格至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 139
4-2-7-10-1 「依賴型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 139
4-2-7-10-2 「依賴型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 140
4-2-7-10-3 「依賴型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「認知忠誠」之調節效果 141
4-2-7-11 「依賴型自我」對三種領導風格至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 144
4-2-7-11-1 「依賴型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 144
4-2-7-11-2 「依賴型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 146
4-2-7-11-3 「依賴型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「情感忠誠」之調節效果 147
4-2-7-12 「依賴型自我」對三種領導風格至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 150
4-2-7-12-1 「依賴型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 150
4-2-7-12-2 「依賴型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 151
4-2-7-12-3 「依賴型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「意圖忠誠」之調節效果 152
4-2-7-13 「依賴型自我」對三種領導風格至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 155
4-2-7-13-1 「依賴型自我」對「魅力型領導風格」至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 155
4-2-7-13-2 「依賴型自我」對「威權型領導風格」至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 156
4-2-7-13-3 「依賴型自我」對「服務型領導風格」至「行動忠誠」之調節效果 157
五、結論與建議: 161
5-1 研究結果 161
5-1-1 實驗法 161
5-1-2 一般問卷法 162
5-1-2-1 直播主類型如何影響觀眾忠誠度 166
5-1-2-2 觀眾自我建構對直播主類型影響觀眾忠誠度之調節效果-獨立型自我 172
5-1-2-3 觀眾自我建構對直播主類型影響觀眾忠誠度之調節效果-依賴型自我 177
5-1-2-4 研究發現 182
5-2 研究貢獻 187
5-2-1 研究架構層面 187
5-2-2 理論意涵層面 188
5-3 實務建議 189
5-4 研究限制與後續研究建議 191
參考文獻 193
附錄一、實驗法問卷 209
附錄二、一般問卷 214
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