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研究生(外文):Yan-Shun Wang
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There are often many people wondering why some people want to spend time watching live streaming . In this emerging era, live streaming has become a common social phenomenon and the trend of live streaming may gradually turn to live streaming plus vertical industry(For example, live streaming of education, live streaming of Electronic Business , etc.) , or a team of live streaming consultants will rise up and be responsible for planning the live streaming system. Thus, "live streaming" deserves more in-depth discussion.
This research mainly explores the "risk propensity" of the audience under the different "leadership styles" of the live streamer , and "the relationship between the live streamer and the audience". This research refers to the past literature and adopts experimental methods and questionnaires to conduct research. Taking Taiwan's live streamers and their audiences as the research objects , will risk propensity of the audiences moderate the audience and steamer in different leadership styles?
When building a relationship, the live streamer will never know how this relationship will eventually become. This is like being in a gambling game, and streamer need to find answer under uncertainty.
The results of this research show that under the experimental method, the audience's "risk propensity" will moderate the " affective relationship and mixed relationship between the different leadership style and the audiences .And the audience's "risk propensity" will not moderate the instrumental relationship between the different leadership style and the audiences; under the questionnaire method, the audience's "risk propensity" will moderate the "mixed relationship between servant leadership style and the audiences", and the rest will not have moderating effects.
This research adopts experimental methods and questionnaires, and hopes to expand research about live streaming. This research combines the live streamer with different "leadership styles" to bring the leadership theory of human capital into the relevant research of live streaming, and then explore the relevance of this relationship.
Different "leadership styles" will have an impact on different " relationship between live streamer and audience". Therefore, the "leadership style" and the " relationship between live streamer and audience" proposed by this research is Relevant .It provides the basis for future live streaming research. In addition, the reciprocity of relationships from the social exchange theory brings out the risk propensity, and explores the risk propensity of the audiences moderate the audience and steamer in different leadership styles? This research discovered that the “risk propensity” of the audience will affect the different “leadership styles” and different “relationship between live streamer and audience”, which also provides basic evidence for future research topics.
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
致謝辭 vi
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 預期貢獻 7
二、文獻探討與研究假設 10
2-1 直播主與領導風格 10
2-1-1 直播主 10
2-1-2 魅力型領導 12
2-1-3 威權型領導 15
2-1-4 服務型領導 16
2-2 關係理論 19
2-3 「領導風格」與「觀眾與直播主的關係」 22
2-4 社會交換理論 30
2-5 風險傾向對「領導風格」與「觀眾與直播主的關 31
係」的調節效果 31
三、研究方法 36
3-1 研究對象與樣本發放 36
3-2 影片實驗法設計 36
3-2-1 實驗對象 36
3-2-2 實驗方法 37
3-2-3 魅力型領導(男直播主) 41
3-2-4 威權型領導(男直播主) 43
3-2-5 服務型領導(男直播主) 46
3-2-6 魅力型領導(女直播主) 48
3-2-7 威權型領導(女直播主) 50
3-2-8 服務型領導(女直播主) 53
3-3 實驗問卷設計 55
3-4 實驗問卷假設 56
3-5 問卷法問卷設計 57
3-6 變項衡量方式 58
3-6-1 直播主的領導風格 58
3-6-2 風險傾向 62
3-6-3 觀眾與直播主的關係 63
3-7 控制變數 66
3-8 分析方法 67
3-8-1 敘述統計與相關分析 67
3-8-2 因素分析 67
3-8-3 信度分析 68
3-8-4 效度分析 68
3-8-5 共同方法變異控制 69
3-8-6 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 69
3-8-7 階層線性模型分析 70
四、資料分析與研究結果 71
4-1 實驗問卷 71
4-1-1 敘述性統計分析 71
4-1-2 相關分析 73
4-1-3 信度分析 76
4-1-4 效度分析的建構 76
4-1-5 實驗問卷結果 78
4-2 一般問卷 86
4-2-1 敘述性統計分析 86
4-2-2 相關分析 89
4-2-3 信度分析 92
4-2-4 效度分析的建構 92
4-2-5 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 95
4-2-6 共同方法變異分析與因素分析 95
4-3 階層線性模型之假設分析結果 95
4-3-1 關係之虛無模型 96
4-3-2 直播主領導風格與工具性的關係 106
4-3-3 直播主領導風格與情感性的關係 107
4-3-4 直播主領導風格與混和性的關係 109
4-3-4 觀眾的風險傾向對直播主領導風格與工具性關係的 110
調節效果 110
4-3-4 觀眾的風險傾向對直播主領導風格與情感性關係的 112
調節效果 112
4-3-4 觀眾的風險傾向對直播主領導風格與混和性關係的 114
調節效果 114
五、結論與建議 117
5-1 實驗法研究結果 117
5-1-1 直播主領導風格與觀眾間的關係與觀眾的風險傾向對直播 117
主領導風格與觀眾間的關係的調節效果 117
5-2 問卷法研究結果 120
5-2-1 直播主領導風格如何影響與觀眾間的關係 120
5-1-2 觀眾的風險傾向對直播主領導風格與觀眾間的關係 127
的調節效果 127
5-2 研究貢獻 133
5-2-1 研究發現 133
5-2-2 理論貢獻 139
5-3 研究限制與後續建議 142
參考文獻 144
附錄 169
實驗問卷 169
一般問卷 173

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TRANSBIZ: 網路直播教學,讓品牌跟上行銷潮流的3個策略,取自: https://transbiz.com.tw/%E5%93%81%E7%89%8C%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD%E6%95%99%E5%AD%B8-brand-live-stream/
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Twitch (2017a). Twitch: Social video for gamers. Retrieved from 30.
Twitch (2017b). Audience. 取自: http://twitchadvertising.tv/audience/
Twitch (2017c). Twitch year in review 2016.
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