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研究生(外文):Yu Han Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Test Automation for Industrial Production Line Data Analysis Platform
指導教授(外文):Deron Liang
  • 被引用被引用:3
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在過去的幾十年來,開發軟體產品的過程中,許多研究員重視軟體可用性及軟體可靠度,所以軟體測試在其中扮演相當重要的角色,目前團隊正進行開發工業生產線數據分析平台,此工業生產線數據分析平台是以T 廠公司的生產資料為例,透過歷年來的生產數據,及專業人員多年的經驗,一併藉由暗裂估計軟體進行分析,當完成此分析平台的某一功能時,要進行測試,來確保此功能的可用性及正確性,再提供給廠商使用,避免未來不需要的錯誤提高生產效益。
In the past few decades, in the process of developing software products, many researchers have paid attention to software availability and software reliability, so software testing plays a very important role. Currently, the team is developing a data analysis platform for industrial production lines. The analysis platform is based on the production data of the T-factory company. The production data over the years and the experience of the professionals for many years are analyzed by the micro crack estimation software. When a certain function of the analysis platform is completed, Test to ensure the availability and correctness of this feature, and then provide it to the manufacturer to avoid future unneeded errors and improve production value.
However, if the test of the user interface is tested by manpower, it takes a lot of manpower and time, and there may still be risks, and the bug cannot be detected. Therefore, it is hoped that the automated data analysis platform for this industrial production line will test automatically and implement the test cases to find out what errors and modifications need to be made on the system. Hence, the data analysis platform for industrial production lines can be used by the manufacturer quickly.
This paper is to implement a test automation to test whether the function of the industrial production line data analysis platform is complete, to achieve the higher quality of the platform. In addition, I hope that our team can reduce the cost of manpower and time after I implement a test automation and focus on the development of other functions.
摘要.......................... i
Abstract....................... ii
致謝......................... iii
附圖目錄........................ vi
附表目錄....................... viii
第一章 緒論.......................1
1.1 研究背景.....................1
1.2 研究動機與目的..................5
1.3 研究貢獻.....................6
1.4 論文架構.....................6
第二章 背景知識.....................7
2.1 自動化測試....................7
2.2 測試平台.....................8
2.3 EM演算法.................... 11
第三章 研究方法.....................18
3.1 測試平台架構.................. 18
3.2 系統設計架構..................19
3.3 測試流程.................... 24
第四章 系統實作.................... 26
4.1 使用者介面...................26
4.2 系統功能....................28
4.3 系統評估....................29
第五章 結論與建議................... 33
5.1 結論...................... 33
5.2 建議...................... 33
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