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研究生(外文):CHI-YUN CHAO
論文名稱:整合聊天機器人與語音對話機器人: 打造K12數位學習助理
論文名稱(外文):E-Learning Assistant in K12 Academy: Integrating Chatbot and Voice Dialogue Robot
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-kuang Wu
外文關鍵詞:Machine learningE-Learningword2vec neural networkhidden Markovkov model
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本文提出的聊天機器人是一個檢索式模型,先藉由隱馬可爾科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model)將使用者的輸入分詞後,除去常用詞,提取出關鍵字,再將關鍵字透過詞向量化模型(Word2Vec Model)比對各個資料庫中定義好的對話主題的相似度,以此實做對使用者對話的關鍵字提取以及分類功能。
In recent years, E-Learning has become more and more popular because of being able to let students learn anytime and anywhere. Compared with traditional classroom learning, students can adjust their learning more casually according to their own learning conditions. It can increase the efficiency of their learning. For a good e-learning platform, on-line tutor service is need. But hiring human tutors will cost a lot due to large number of students in whole time use. Therefore, we develop a chatbot system to share some of the work of human tutors: solve problems in the course for students and provide FAQ of the operation in the e-learning platform. It can even provide service to students via voice dialogue robots. With our system, students can get a more complete e-learning environment.
The chatbot proposed in this paper is a retrieval-based model. After the user's input is segmented by the Hidden Markov Model to get the keywords, and the keywords are transmitted through the Word2vec model. The Word2Vec Model compares the similarity of the conversation topics defined in each database to achieve keyword extraction and classification for user conversations
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Organization of Thesis 6
2. Related Works 7
2.1 E-Learning Research 7
2.2 Chatbot 11
2.3 Speech recognition 13
3. System Design 14
3.1 Background 14
3.2 System Architecture 15
3.2.1 State identify 19
3.2.2 Voice Recognition System 23
4. Implementation 24
4.1 Implementation Overview 24
4.2 Chat Bot System module 24
4.3 Web Server module 26
4.4 Voice Dialogue Robot module 26
4.5 Extend Chatbot Response Module 27
4.6 Training Data set for Word2Vec model 28
4.7 Results and Displays 29
5. Conclusion and Future Works 33
References 34
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