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研究生(外文):Chia-Chiao Chang
指導教授(外文):Yean-Ren Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Robotic ArmLaser ProcessingSTM32Image Processing
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本研究使用之機械手臂為本實驗室開發的Palletizing Robot機構,搭配STM32微控制器進行控制,並設計使用者介面操作機械手臂及對影像進行前處理及加工碼生成。
With the development of Industrial Automation and Smart Manufacturing, robotic arm gradually replaces the manual work for processing and assembly, while the laser processing is based on the X-Y platform or Gantry platform. If using robotic arm for laser processing. we can get more flexibility for processing. Digital image is saved in 2-D bitmap format, which is easy to be transformed into X-Y coordinate processing code. However, in order to take advantage of the structure of robotic arm, we transform the 2-D bitmap into polar coordinate processing code, and design the processing algorithm based on the structure of robotic arm.
The robotic arm we used in this research is the Palletizing Robot developed by our laboratory, which is controlled by the STM32 microcontroller. We also design the user interface for controlling the robot arm, image pre-processing and processing code generation.
We test the accuracy of the speed of robot arm, test the result of the binarized image and the edge-detected image, and finally test the difference between the polar coordinate processing algorithm and the traditional X-Y coordinate processing algorithm.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 1
1-3 文獻回顧 2
1-4 論文架構 3
第二章 基礎理論 4
2-1 脈衝寬度調變 4
2-2 影像處理演算法 5
2-2-1 二值化 5
2-2-2 邊緣偵測 5
2-2-3 灰階化 6
2-3 G代碼簡介 7
第三章 硬體架構與通訊 8
3-1 Palletizing Robot 8
3-2 伺服馬達介紹 9
3-3 STM32微控制器 11
3-4 USB CDC 通訊介面 13
第四章 研究方法 15
4-1 機器人運動學座標推導 15
4-1-1 空間座標標示 16
4-1-2 Denavit-Hartenberg 參數表示法 17
4-1-3 正向運動學 18
4-1-4 反向運動學 21
4-2 電路設計 25
4-2-1 驅動器通訊電路 25
4-2-2 雷射驅動電路 28
4-3 影像極座標轉換演算法 31
4-4 影像處理介面 34
4-5 機械手臂控制介面 36
第五章 實驗結果與討論 38
5-1 移動速度實驗 39
5-2 圖像雷射實驗 43
5-2-1 二值化影像測試 44
5-2-2 邊緣偵測影像測試 45
5-3 加工路徑實驗 47
5-3-1 X-Y座標水平軸向行走測試 49
5-3-2 X-Y座標垂直軸向行走測試 51
5-3-3 極座標角度軸向行走測試 53
5-3-4 極座標半徑軸向行走測試 55
5-4 背隙處理 57
第六章 結論與未來展望 60
6-1 結論 60
6-2 未來展望 60
參考文獻 61
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