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研究生(外文):Chi-Yu Wang
論文名稱(外文):Wavelength-modulated confocal interferometry for thickness and refractive index measurements
指導教授(外文):Ju-Yi Lee
外文關鍵詞:confocal microscopewavelength modulation interferometrywavelength modulated confocal interferometrythickness and refractive index measurement
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本系統基於共焦顯微鏡及波長調制干涉術之原理,建立一套全新的數學模型,藉由共焦及干涉所量測到的兩個厚度參數,可以解出物體的真實厚度及折射率。以市售雷射窗鏡為待測樣品,作為本系統的量測能力測試,分別量測兩種不同厚度以及三種不同折射率的物體,並與游標卡尺及廠商表訂規格做比較。實驗結果顯示,厚度量測範圍能達到毫米等級,厚度量測解析度為5 μm;折射率量測解析度為0.0045。本系統搭配電控位移平台,以自行開發的系統控制與訊號處理程式,可達到自動化量測,對於精密機械加工、產品製程及生物醫學上有極大的潛力。
This study develops a measuring system that can measure the thickness and refractive index of an object simultaneously. It can be applied to inspect the manufacturing process of window lens, biomedical detection, lens thickness and refractive index measurement. The system’s architecture is a wavelength-modulated confocal interference system. The difference is that the conventional confocal microscope system and the interferometer system need to first know either the thickness or refraction of the object in order to obtain the other parameter. And the wavelength-modulated confocal interference system can measure two parameters at the same time by the core mathematical model of this system.
Based on the principle of confocal microscope and wavelength modulation interferometry, this system establishes a new mathematical model. The two thickness parameters measured by confocal and interference can solve the true thickness and refractive index of the object. The commercially available laser window mirror is used as the test object to examine the measurement capability of the system, two different thickness and three different refractive index objects are measured separately. And compared with the digital caliper and the manufacturer's specification, the experimental results show that the thickness measurement range can reach millimeter level. And the thickness measurement’s resolution is 5 μm. The refractive index measurement’s resolution is 0.0045. This system is equipped with an electronically controlled displacement platform. With self-developed control program and signal processing, the system can achieve automated measurement. The system has great potential for precision measurement, product process and biomedicine.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 共焦顯微術 3
1-2-2 光學干涉術 6
1-2-3 折射率與厚度同時量測 8
1-3 研究動機與目的 10
1-4 論文架構 11
第二章 系統原理 12
2-1 共焦顯微術 12
2-1-1 光學顯微鏡系統原理 13
2-1-2 光學繞射理論與顯微鏡系統橫向解析度 14
2-1-3共焦顯微術原理 19
2-2 外差干涉術 26
2-3 波長調制干涉術 27
2-3-1 雷射二極體 27
2-3-2 波長調制干涉術 29
2-4 共焦干涉術之數學模型 33
2-4-1 共焦顯微術之物體厚度量測 33
2-4-2 干涉術之物體厚度量測 35
2-4-3 共焦干涉術之厚度與折射率量測 36
2.5 小結 37
第三章 系統架構 38
3-1 波長調制共焦干涉術系統元件 38
3-2 波長調制共焦干涉術系統架構 40
3-2-1 光學共焦顯微鏡系統 41
3-2-2 波長調制共焦干涉術 45
3-3 光學頻率同調掃描(Optical frequency coherence scanning) 48
3-4 系統程式與人機介面 56
3-5 小結 57
第四章 實驗結果與討論 58
4-1 量測樣品與輔助工具 58
4-1-1 量測輔助工具 58
4-1-2 量測樣品規格 59
4-2 平板量測實驗 60
4-2-1 BK7-1 mm平板量測 60
4-2-2 BK7-2 mm平板量測 63
4-2-3 B270-2 mm平板量測 66
4-2-4 KBr-2 mm平板量測 69
4-2-5 實驗結果分析 72
4-3 系統性能分析 74
4-3-1 量測解析度 74
4-3-2 系統量測範圍 77
4-3-3 量測時間與其改善方法 78
4-4 小節 78
第五章 誤差分析 79
5-1 系統誤差 79
5-1-1 雷射光非平行光入射 79
5-1-2 電控位移平台定位控制誤差 81
5-1-3系統架構餘弦誤差 83
5-2 隨機誤差 84
5-2-1 環境溫度 84
5-2-2 環境擾動及機械振動 85
5-2-3 電子雜訊 85
5-3 小結 85
第六章 結論與未來展望 86
6-1 結論 86
6-2 未來展望 86
參考文獻 87
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