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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yang Weng
論文名稱(外文):Refractive index measurement system based on total internal reflection maximum phase difference
指導教授(外文):Ju-Yi Lee
外文關鍵詞:refractive index measurementtotal internal reflectiondelayed phase
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本研究開發出一套折射率量測系統,用於改善現階段液體及固體在折射率量測上所遇到的問題。開發的系統架構基於全反射發生時垂直與水平兩偏振態的反射光會引進不同的相位延遲,透過計算出垂直與水平兩延遲相位之間的相位差極大值,並找出相位差極大值與折射率的關係進而推算出折射率。本系統利用聚焦的方式將光線入射至稜鏡,光的入射角度為一個範圍,相較於以往單一入射角的全反射量測系統有著不需要精準調整入射光角度的特性,在系統的架設及光路調整上較為簡單與快速。 在量測實驗中,待測介質分別以環境空氣、自來水及不同折射率之玻璃三種類型來表示。當待測介質為環境空氣及自來水時,介質與稜鏡之間的界面為緊密結合,透過量測區xyz軸的移動,可以很容易的將聚焦光點移動到稜鏡與待測介質之間的界面,並使其發生全反射。而待測介質為玻璃時,則必須在稜鏡與待測介質間加入與稜鏡折射率一致的折射率匹配油,並透過量測區的xyz軸移動使光點聚焦在待測介質表面,並使其發生全反射。本系統宗旨為透過偏振方向為±45度的兩光強度分析出垂直與水平偏振態的相位延遲,由於光源是聚焦入射的關係,聚焦至待測物表面的量測點及線性CCD攝影機接收光強度的位置為物像關係,在量測時要確保稜鏡及待測物表面的清潔,否則稜鏡及待測物表面的刮傷、灰塵或是雜質在線性CCD攝影機上的成像都會引起量測上的誤差。透過環境空氣、自來水及不同折射率之玻璃待測物的量測實驗驗證本系統的量測性能,其系統解析度為0.0079。
This study developed a refractive index measurement system to improve the problems encountered in the measurement of refractive index of liquids and solids currently. The developed system architecture introduces different phase delays based on the reflected light of the vertical and horizontal polarization states when total reflection occurs. By calculating the maximum value of the phase difference between the vertical and horizontal delay phases, and finding the phase difference maximum value and the relationship between the refractive indices and the refractive index is derived. The system uses the focusing method to incident laser beam into the prism, and the incident angle of the laser beam is a range. Compared with the conventional single-incident angle total reflection measurement system, the system does not need to adjust the incident angle very precisely. And the optical path adjustment is relatively simple and fast. In the measurement experiment, the medium to be tested is represented by three types of ambient air, tap water and glass of different refractive indices. When the sample is ambient air and tap water, the interface between the sample and the prism is tightly coupled, through the measurement area of the xyz axis can easily move the focused spot between the prism and the sample, and make the totally reflective happended. When the sample is glass, it is necessary to add an index matching oil which is consistent with the refractive index of the prism between the prism and the sample, and to move the spot to the surface of the sample through the xyz axis movement of the measurement area. The purpose of this system is to analyze the phase delay of the vertical and horizontal polarization through two light intensities with a polarization direction of ±45 degrees. Since the light source is in focus, the measurement point focused on the surface of the object to be tested and the received light intensity of the linear CCD camera, the position is the object image relationship. When measuring, must make sure the surface of the sample is clean. Otherwise, the scratches, dust or impurities on
the surface of the sample will be measured on the linear CCD camera. The measurement performance of the system was verified by measurement experiments of ambient air, tap water and glass samples with different refractive indices. The system resolution was 0.0079.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1反射式及全反射式折射率量測系統 3
1-2-2同調干涉量測系統 6
1-3 研究動機、目的與方法 8
1-4 論文架構 9
第二章 基礎原理 11
2-1折射與反射現象 11
2-2全反射現象 13
2-2-1全反射原理 14
2-2-2菲涅耳方程式 15
2-2-3相位差極大值與折射率關係 19
2-4 偏振干涉解相技術 25
2-5 聚焦擴束法 27
2-6全場相位差分佈 28
2-7小結 32
第三章 系統架構 33
3-1 系統架構元件 33
3-1-1光學設計 35
3-1-2機構設計 37
3-2量測軟體與訊號處理流程 41
3-2-1量測軟體 41
3-2-2訊號處理及運算流程 42
3-3小結 45
第四章 實驗結果與討論 46
4-1 單點量測 46
4-1-1 環境空氣及自來水量測 46
4-1-2 固體折射率量測 49
4-2線掃描量測 52
4-3二維折射率分佈 53
4-4系統解析度 59
4-5小結 59
第五章 誤差分析 60
5-1 系統誤差 60
5-1-1 曲率造成量測誤差 60
5-1-2 螺桿式移動平台定位誤差 62
5-1-3 偏振片角度影響 63
5-2 隨機誤差 66
5-2-1 環境光源干擾 67
5-2-2 電子雜訊 67
5-3 小結 67
第六章 結論與未來展望 68
6-1 結論 68
6-2 未來展望 68
參考文獻 69
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