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研究生(外文):Phan Thi Thanh My
論文名稱(外文):Benefits and Barriers for Implementing BIM in Vietnam Construction Industry
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Bin Yang
外文關鍵詞:Vietnam construction industry; BIM implementation barriers; BIM benefits
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過去幾年來越南營建專案面臨許多的問題,而建築資訊建模技術(Building Information Modelling, BIM)已是世界各國營建產業面臨類似問題的關鍵解決方式,因此BIM也可能成為越南營建產業問題的解方。近來越南營建產業使用與應用BIM技術大幅提升,然而BIM的應用在越南仍遭遇不少問題,例如,缺乏BIM專業人才、缺乏業主端對於BIM應用(BIM uses)的需求、BIM軟體費用昂貴、沒有專案應用BIM技術的標準或流程。本研究之目的乃是釐清目前越南應用BIM之現況、可以獲得的效益,以及應用BIM技術的主要障礙等,而為達成上述的研究目的,本研究採用文獻回顧、問卷調查以及半結構化的專家訪談等方法完成本研究。文獻回顧主要回顧其他國家(新加坡、台灣、中國、美國、英國)與越南有關BIM應用、效益與障礙的文獻;問卷調查則調查越南營建產業應用BIM之現況與面臨的挑戰等資訊;半結構化的專家訪談則用以發掘BIM應用障礙與解決策略之關係。本研究發現越南營建產業對於BIM已高度認知其重要性,尤其是在2500計畫核准後,然而產業真正應用BIM的程度仍遠低於其他國家。此外,本研究亦發現越南應用BIM主要的障礙為非技術性的議題,包括投資費用高、不願願意改變、法律議題以及組織有關議題等。最後本研究亦參考半結構化的專家訪談與其他國家的經驗學習資料,提出如何有效應用BIM技術之方式。期待本研究之成果可以做為未來越南營建產業改善應用BIM技術成效之重要參考資料。
The construction projects in Vietnam have met many problems for the past few years. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become a key solution for similar problems in the AEC industry worldwide. BIM is possible to be the answer to the problems in Vietnam. In recent years, BIM adoption and implementation in the AEC industry in Vietnam has increased significantly. However, it still faces a lot of challenges: lacking BIM expertise, lacking demand of BIM uses from the client, high cost for BIM software, no clear protocol/flowchart to implement BIM in the projects. This study aims to figure out the status of BIM implementation, and then to identify the benefits of implementing BIM and the main barriers to BIM implementation in Vietnam. The research methods in this study consists of a literature review, questionnaire survey, and semi-structured interview. In the literature review, the references regarding BIM implementation in other countries (Singapore, Taiwan, China, the US, and the UK) and BIM implementation in Vietnam are reviewed. A questionnaire survey was used to collect the data from construction firms in Vietnam to find the current status of BIM implementation and challenges to BIM implementation in Vietnam. Then semi-structured interviews are conducted to find the relation between the barriers and strategies for implementing BIM. In general, the level of awareness of BIM is high among Vietnam construction companies especially after the Sign 2500 was approved. However, the level of BIM implementation in Vietnam is still lower than other countries. The top barriers to BIM implementation in Vietnam were found to be non-technical issues in terms of the high cost of investment, resistance to change, legal issues, and organization issues. Finally, based on the data of semi-structured interview and lessons learned from other countries, some suggestions for an effective BIM implementation are provided. It is anticipated that the research outcomes are valuable for improving the performance of BIM implementation in Vietnam
摘 要 ii
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Research background 1
1.3. Problem statements 2
1.4. Research Objectives 3
1.5. Research Methods 4
1.6. Limitations 5
1.7. Thesis structure 5
2.1. Definitions and concepts of BIM 7
2.2. BIM uses and benefits of BIM in the construction industry 8
2.3. Overview of BIM implementation 10
2.4. Barriers to BIM implementation 15
3.1. Research approach 19
3.2. Literature review 20
3.3. Questionnaire design 21
3.4. In-deep interview 23
3.5. Data collection 24
3.6. Data analysis method 26
3.7. Research ethics 26
4.1. Demographic background information of respondents 27
4.2. BIM applications in the project lifecycle 28
4.3. Benefits of BIM implementation in Vietnamese AEC industry 30
4.4. Reasons for using BIM application 32
4.5. The BIM implementation level 33
4.6. The issues to BIM implementation in the Vietnamese AEC industry 34
4.7. Relationships between strategies and barriers 45
4.8. Differences of barriers to BIM implementation in Vietnam and other countries 48
4.9. BIM implementation strategies: Lesson Learnt across the countries 49
5.1. Research findings 54
5.2. Limitations 55
5.3. Further research 56
APPENDIX I: Questionnaire sample 62
APPENDIX II: Questionnaire sample (Vietnamese version) 68
APPENDIX III: In deep interview 74
APPENDIX IV: In-deep interview (Vietnamese version) 77
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