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研究生(外文):Lin, Yi-Tsen
論文名稱:長腳捷山蟻的覓食行為研究與防治 (膜翅目 : 蟻科)
論文名稱(外文):Foraging behavior research and prevention of the yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chung-Chi
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chung-ChiChou, Jui-YuLee, Ching-Chen
外文關鍵詞:Foraging behaviorInvasive antPhysogastric workerTrophallaxisPolygyn
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長腳捷山蟻 (Anoplolepis gracilipes),俗稱為黃狂蟻 (Yellow Crazy Ant),起源於非洲或亞洲的螞蟻種類,因人類長期全球化的經濟活動,使長腳捷山蟻擴散至許多地方,並在入侵地區造成相當程度的生態危害。然而不同螞蟻的食性與取食偏好不逕相同,因此若要有效防治特定螞蟻,需要針對目標物種進行不同類型、濃度餌劑的偏好性實驗。本實驗目的希望利用多種食物測驗長腳捷山蟻取食偏好,設計出最具吸引力的餌劑。此外,利用尼羅藍 (nile blue) 染劑混合的餌劑以及油漆筆顏色標記螞蟻的方式,了解長腳捷山蟻覓食後的食物傳遞途徑。毒物試驗方面,以1%、2% 硼酸搭配最佳偏好餌劑製成毒餌,並評估其防治成效。實驗結果顯示,長腳捷山蟻最偏好20%蔗糖與5%胺基酸的混合餌劑。為便於研究觀察,食物傳遞行為實驗選擇使用0.2%的尼羅藍作為染劑濃度,發現工蟻會隨機與一般型或產卵型工蟻作交哺,並將大部分的營養資源分配給在巢內的產卵型工蟻。毒物測試的部分, 在硼酸濃度1%餌劑半致死時間 (half-lethal time, LT50)為4.53天、2%餌劑LT50為4.32天。最後建議針對防治長腳捷山蟻的毒餌,最佳配方為20 %蔗糖溶液、5%胺基酸與1 %硼酸。實驗觀察結果也支持不論使用胺基酸或是蔗糖為餌劑,長腳捷山蟻的一般型工蟻會將大部分覓食到的食物傳給產卵型工蟻,也同時觀察到,覓食染色餌劑蟻巢中的幼蟲皆無發現染色現象。本實驗結果未來可提供野外試驗做對照,並測定一天中的覓食高峰期,作為野外防治參考策略,以達到最佳防治效果。
The invasive yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes), is native to Africa or Asia. Due to human beings long-term global economic activities, it has become a widespread pest around the world and has caused serious ecological hazards in the invaded areas. However, different species of ant have different feeding habits. To control ants effectively, it is necessary to conduct bait preference tests using different types and concentrations of baits. We used a variety of foods to test the foraging preference of the yellow crazy ant and aim to design the most attractive bait in this experiment. Furthermore, to understand the food delivery behavior of the yellow crazy ant, we dyed the bait with Nile blue, and marked the ant workers with paint pens. In the toxicant test, the bait was prepared by mixing the most attractive bait matrix with either 1% or 2% (w/w) boric acid to evaluate the effectiveness of the bait matrix against the yellow crazy ant. The results have shown that A.gracilipes preferred the bait matrix which contains 20% sucrose and 5% amino acid. For ease of observation, we used 0.2% (w/w) Nile Blue as the dye to perform the food delivery behavior experiment. We also found that forager will randomly perform trophallaxis with normal workers and physogastric workers, and most of the food resources are allocated to the physogastric workers. In the bait toxicant test, the results showed that the half-lethal time (LT50) is 4.53 days at 1% boric acid treatment while the LT50 is 4.32 days at 2%boric acid. Regarding the final recommendations for the control bait of A.gracilipes, the best formula is 20% sucrose solution, 5% amino acid, 1% boric acid. Experimental observations indicated that the normal workers will transfer most of the foraged food to the physogastric worker irrespective of the types of bait formulations (i.e., amino acid or sucrose-based), and none of the larvae inside the nest were found stained with Nile Blue. Further research is to be undertaken to investigate the daily peak foraging activity of A.gracilipes using presently developed bait matrix, and the outcome with serve as a reference for effective management of this ant in the field.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第壹章 前言 1
第貳章 往昔研究 4
一、長腳捷山蟻的分類地位與生態特徵 4
二、害蟲螞蟻的餌劑防治研究 6
第參章 材料方法 8
一、建立供試螞蟻族群及飼養 8
(一)供試螞蟻族群來源 8
(二)實驗室飼養及試驗地點 8
(三)人工蟻巢及飼養箱 8
(四)食物來源 10
二、取食偏好性實驗 11
(一)取食偏好性實驗裝置的設計與配置 11
(二)取食偏好性實驗實驗操作 13
(三)取食偏好性實驗的統計與分析 15
三、覓食後的食物傳遞途徑 18
(一) 覓食後的食物傳遞途徑實驗裝置的設計與配置 18
(二) 覓食後的食物傳遞途徑實驗操作 18
(三)資料統計及分析 21
四、毒物試驗 24
(一) 毒物試驗裝置的配置 24
(二) 毒物試驗實驗操作 24
(三)資料統計及分析 25
第肆章 實驗結果 26
一、取食偏好性實驗 26
(一)取食偏好性實驗結果 26
二、覓食後的食物傳遞途徑 33
(一) 覓食後的食物傳遞途徑實驗結果 33
三、毒物試驗 38
(一) 毒物試驗實驗結果-不同濃度之硼酸餌劑 38
第伍章 討論 39
一、取食偏好性實驗 39
二、覓食後的食物傳遞途徑 40
三、毒物試驗 43
參考文獻 44
附錄 54
附錄一、入侵紅火蟻人工飼料調配 54
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