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研究生(外文):Chin, Chang-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Action Research on the Influence of Developing Multiple Representation Teaching Module on the Effect of Temperature and Heat Unit Learning in Eighth Grade Students
指導教授(外文):Lin, Jang-LongChang, Jih-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jun-YiCheng, Meng-FeiLin, Jang-Long
外文關鍵詞:Mutiple representationAction researchTemperature and Heat
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一、 教師團隊發展融入八年級溫度與熱單元多重表徵教學模組階段,因不熟練多重表徵教學之應用,導致所設計之溫度與熱的多重表徵不夠具體、對學生太過於抽象以及不符真實情境之視覺-圖像表徵,然而在經過研究團隊的共同備課討論後,上述問題均被提出且獲得解決。
二、 教師在施行多重表徵教學模組階段,因學生誤以為溫度與水柱高度具比例關係、誤解溫度-加熱時間座標圖的概念推論方式等,導致溫度與水柱高度的換算結果錯誤、座標軸的混淆以及誤認為溫度與加熱時間成正比。經研究團隊對第一循環教學的觀察、反思與修改,上述問題均於第二循環教學獲得解決。
三、 學習成效方面,兩循環溫度與熱成就測驗後測均顯著優於前測,且藉由質性資料分析發現學生能透過溫度計簡圖與比例式表徵的互補性,理解溫差與水柱高度差間的比例關係,以及透過模型累進,理解熱與熱平衡概念,並透過表格與座標圖的動態連結,理解座標圖中,兩變數成正比的條件與能正確推論出溫度-加熱時間座標圖中不同物體其隨加熱時間改變之溫度變化情形。
The present study adopted an action research method, and its purpose is to develop an instructional module about heat temperature based on multiple representations approach. It explores the challenges and solution strategies encountered while developing and implementing the instructional module and the learning outcomes of the students. The participants of the study are from two regular classes of eighth-graders at an urban junior high school in central Taiwan. The lessons were taught with the instructional module developed by a research team. The research tools included achievement tests administered before and after the designated course, semi-structured interview form. The data collection included worksheets of multiple representations, video and audio recordings, meeting minutes with the research team, interview reports of the students, and teacher diaries. Qualitative data was the primary materials of analysis and was supplemented with quantitative data such as achievement tests before and after the course to run the paired t-test.
The results of the study indicate the following phenomena. First, in the instructional module development phase, the research team did not master the application of multiple representations scaffolding techniques, which led the team failed to design temperature and heat multiple representations that were concrete enough for the participants. However, the problems were fixed after group lesson planning discussions with other members of the team. Second, in the implementation phase, the students falsely assumed that temperature correlates the height of water column and confused with how to deduct temperature-time graph, which led to uncorrected temperature and water-column height conversion results, inaccurate coordinates of time-temperature graphs, and erred conclusion that heating time is proportional to temperature. The difficulties were solved in the second teaching cycle with improvising and modification based on the effort of the team classroom observation and reflection during the first teaching cycle. Third, in terms of learning outcomes, participants did significantly better at post achievement tests than pre-tests in both runs. And the qualitative data indicates that the students learned the difference of temperature is proportional to the difference of water-column height through complementary of simplified thermometer diagrams and proportion scales. Through model progression, they acquired the concept of heat and thermal equilibrium. Besides, they understood the condition for two variables proportionate to each other on coordinate planes and correctly deduct how the temperature of different objects change as heating time alternates via dynamic linking between tables and coordinate plane graphs.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2
第三節 名詞解釋 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 表徵 5
第二節 多重表徵教學 12
第三節 溫度與熱單元之相關實徵性研究 22
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 研究方法與設計 31
第二節 研究者背景、理念、角色與研究團隊 32
第三節 研究對象與情境 34
第四節 研究教材設計 36
第五節 研究工具 45
第六節 研究流程 47
第七節 資料蒐集與分析 50

第四章 研究結果 55
第一節 教師發展溫度與熱單元多重表徵教學模組遭遇的問題與解決策略 55
第二節 教師施行第一循環教學模組的學習成效與遭遇問題及其解決策略 61
第三節 教師施行第二循環教學模組的學習成效與遭遇問題 71
第五章 結論與建議 79
第一節 結論 79
第二節 建議 83
參考文獻 85
一、中文部分: 85
二、外文部分: 85
附錄一 溫度與熱成就測驗試題 95
附錄二 多重表徵教學模組溫度與熱單元第二循環教案 99
附錄三 多重表徵教學模組溫度與熱單元學習單 107
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