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論文名稱(外文):Explore the Impact of Developmental Science Inquiry and Practice Teaching Module on Learning Motivation and Performance of Eighth Grade Students -A Case Study of Temperature and Heat Units
指導教授(外文):Lin, Jang-Long
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jun-YiCheng, Meng-FeiLin, Jang-Long
外文關鍵詞:Inquiry and PracticeScientific PracticeLearning motivationTemperature and Heat
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This study was designed by a qualitative method to explore how the motivation and learning outcomes of eighth-grade students were influenced by the teaching modules of temperature and heat unit which researcher developed. A total of 28 students from a normal class of a junior high school located in a township in central Taiwan participated in the study. The research tools are students’ motivation toward science learning questionnaire (SMTSL) and pre- and post- achievement tests in temperature and heat. As for data collection, it includes pre- and post- achievement tests in temperature and heat, students’ worksheets, audio and videos of the lectures, tudent interview information, and teaching journals. Primarily performing qualitative analysis, supplemented by quantitative analysis of the descriptive statistics of SMTSL and paired sample t-test in pre- and post- tests, the results of the study are as follows:
1. Motivation: In terms of self-efficacy, teachers use a series of experiments on temperature and heat to enable students to improve their self-efficacy through successful experiments. In terms of active learning strategy, students can take the initiative to ask questions and communicate with other students and teachers to understand the concepts of temperature and heat; in terms of science learning value, the teachers use the problems of daily life to allow students to explan the phenomena of temperature and heat and apply them to daily life; In terms of performance goal and achievement goal, the implementation of temperature and heat experiments and positive feedback from teachers can enhance students' achievement goals. In terms of learning environment stimulation, through inquiry and practice combined with life situations, students can participate in science courses, and stimulate students' interests in temperature and heat.
2. Achievement: The teaching modules allow students to experience the combination of daily life and issues of temperature and heat, construct interpretation of life phenomena, perform inquiry experiments. Through the teaching modules enables students to understand the concept of temperature and heat. The results of the t-test before and after the achievement test, and the types of propositions and the total post-test are significantly higher than the pre-test.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表次 vi
圖次 vii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2
第三節 名詞解釋 2
第四節 研究範圍與限制 3
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節 探究與實作 5
第二節 學習動機 15
第三節 溫度與熱之相關研究 21
第參章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究者的背景與理念 29
第二節 研究情境與研究對象 29
第三節 教學設計 30
第四節 研究工具 36
第五節 研究流程 39
第六節 資料收集與分析 42
第肆章 研究結果 45
第一節 探究與實作教學模組對於八年級學生學習動機之影響 45
第二節 探究與實作教學模組對八年級學生的溫度與熱概念學習成效 53
第伍章 結論與建議 63
第一節 結論 63
第二節 建議 65
參考文獻 67
一、中文部分 67
二、外文部分 69
附錄一 探究與實作教學模組之溫度與熱教案 78
附錄二 探究與實作教學模組之溫度與熱學習單 90
附錄三 溫度與熱單元成就測驗 113
附錄四 晤談大綱 116
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