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研究生(外文):Lin, Yu-Tang
論文名稱(外文):Taiwanese Senior High School Students\' Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies When Taking the College Entrance Exam English Reading Tests
指導教授(外文):Huang, Sheng-Hui
口試委員(外文):Huang, Sheng-HuiChang, Shan-MaoWang, Ching-Huang
外文關鍵詞:Metacognitive reading strategiesreading proficiencysenior high school studentsreading strategies
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本研究旨在探討台灣高中學生於學測英語閱讀測驗中的英文後設認知閱讀策略使用。台灣中部某高中 201 位學生參加本項研究。藉由一份修改自Mokhtari 和 Sheorey(2002)的閱讀策略問卷,以及大學學科能力測驗的閱讀能力測驗為主要研究工具,研究者能回答研究問題。主要的研究發現如下:
1. 台灣高中學生使用英語後設認知閱讀策略的頻率為中等。
2. 就三種英語後設認知閱讀策略而言,高中學生最常使用整體性閱讀策略,接著是支持性策略,而最少使用的是問題解決策略。
3. 英文閱讀能力較高的學生和較低的學生,在後設認知閱讀策略的使用上的確有所不同,特別是在整體性閱讀策略的使用方面更是如此。根據本研究,閱讀能力較高的學生常使用略讀以及尋讀的閱讀策略,相反地,閱讀能力較低的學生常使用翻譯的閱讀策略。
This study investigates Taiwanese senior high school students’ use of metacognitive reading strategies when taking the college entrance English reading tests. A total 201 participants from a high school in Central Taiwan joined the study. By adopting a modified Survey of Reading Strategy (M-SORS) questionnaire from Mokhtari & Sheorey (2002), and a college entrance English reading test, the researcher was able to answer the research questions of the present study. The major findings are as follows:
1. Taiwanese senior high school students used metacognitive reading strategies at the medium level.
2. Among the three groups of metacognitive reading strategies, senior high school students tended to rely on global reading strategies the most, followed by support strategies, and problem solving strategies.
3. There was a significant difference between high and low reading proficiency learners’ use of metacognitive reading strategies, especially in the use of global reading strategies. According to the present study, skimming and scanning were the most used metacognitive reading strategy by high proficiency students. However, low achievers’ frequent use of the translation method was found.
The findings of this study reaffirm the importance of reading strategy instruction. English teachers are suggested to incorporate the teaching of reading strategies into their curricula to raise students’ awareness, and provide opportunities for hands-on practice. Through reading strategy instruction, students can become strategic readers who are able to successfully govern their reading process. Moreover, English teachers are suggested to train students to skim and scan in order to improve their reading comprehension. Finally, the translation strategy should be used with caution as students may readily become overly dependent on this strategy.

摘要 i

Background and Rationale 1
Purpose of the Study and Research Questions 5
Significance of the Study 6
Definition of Terms 7

Language Learning Strategies 9
Classification of Language Learning Strategies 9
Reading and Reading Strategies 13
Metacognition and Metacognitive Strategies 15
Taxonomy of Metacognition 15
Relationship between Metacognition and Reading 18
Metacognitive Reading Strategy 20
Measuring Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use 22
Studies on Learners’ Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use 24
Metacognitive Strategy Use When Taking English Reading Tests 28

Participants 32
Instruments 33
Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) 33
Pilot Study for Testing the M-SORS 34
English Reading Proficiency Test 35
Piloting English Reading Proficiency Test 36
Data Collection Procedure 37
Data Analysis 38

Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by Senior High School Students 40
The Frequency of Use of Overall Metacognitive Reading Strategies 41
The Frequency of Use of Individual Strategies 41
The Frequency of Use of Three Categories of Metacognitive Reading Strategies 44
The Top Ten Most Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies 50
The Ten Least Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies 52
High and Low Reading Proficiency Learners’ Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies 54
Overall Strategy Use between High and Low Reading Proficiency Students 56
Strategy Category Use between High and Low Reading Proficiency Group 56
Ten Most Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies by High and Low English Reading Proficiency Students 57
Ten Least Frequently Used Metacognitive Reading Strategies by High and Low English Reading Proficiency Students 60
Individual Strategies Used Significantly Different by High and Low Reading Proficiency Learners 63
Summary 67

Major Findings of the Present Study 68
The Frequency in the Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies and Preference for the Use of Global Reading Strategies 69
The Importance of Skimming and Scanning 70
The Effect of Using Translation 71
Pedagogical Implications 72
The Use of Skimming and Scanning 73
Be Careful About Applying Translation 73
Direct Teaching of Metacognitive Reading Strategies 74
Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Research 75
Conclusion 76
Appendix A Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) 87
Appendix B Modified- Survey of Reading Strategy (M-SORS)
Appendix C Original SORS 91
Appendix D Modified- Survey of Reading Strategy (M-SORS)
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