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研究生(外文):Wang, Po-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Designs of Pattern Reconfigurable Magneto-electric Dipole Array for Base Station Applications
指導教授(外文):Row, Jeen-Sheen
外文關鍵詞:widebandpattern reconfigurablemechanically pattern reconfigurablebeamwidth reconfigurablebeam steering
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本論文提出兩種場型可重置陣列天線,兩種陣列皆採用放置於金屬盒之印刷電偶極天線作為輻射元素,其具有寬的阻抗頻寬及高前後比的特性。第一種陣列將四個元素放置於可彎折之關節上,當手動旋轉關節時會使陣列結構改變,而每種結構會產生特定的輻射場型,本篇提出之天線設計頻段應用於5 GHz Wi-Fi頻段,根據量測結果,天線具有三種較典型的輻射場型,包含高指向性輻射場型、雙波束輻射場型及全向性輻射場型。
第二種設計是將包含四個輻射元素的扇形陣列作為子陣列,並由四個獨立的子陣列所構成,為了得到需要的輻射場型,將四個子陣列以依序旋轉的方式擺放,藉由控制激發元素的數量,此陣列在頻段3.3-4 GHz內能提供掃描波束及全向性輻射場型,此外,掃描的波束分別具有三種不同的半功率波束寬,而關於此陣列模擬與實測結果將於論文內提出。
Two pattern reconfigurable antenna arrays are proposed in this thesis. The radiating element of the two arrays is a printed dipole backed with a metallic box, and it has a broad impedance bandwidth as well as a high front-to-back ratio. For the first array, four of the elements are connected together by using a mounting fixture with rotatable joints. When the joints are rotated manually, the array configuration is changed, and each array configuration can generate a specific radiation pattern. A prototype designed at the 5 GHz WiFi band is constructed. Measured results for the prototype operating in three typical radiation modes are shown, including high directive radiation mode, two-beam radiation mode, and omnidirectional radiation mode.
For the second array, it is composed of four identical subarrays, and each subarray is a compact sector array with four radiating elements. To obtain the required radiation patterns, the four subarrays are stacked in a sequential-rotation fashion. By controlling the number of the elements are excited, the array can provide scanned beams and an omnidirectional pattern in the frequency band from 3.3 to 4 GHz; besides, the scanned beams with three different half-power beamwidths can be obtained. Both measured and simulated results are also provided in the thesis.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1概述 1
1.2文獻探討 4
1.3內容摘要 7
第二章 機械式場型可重置天線 8
2.1 概述 8
2.2 天線結構 9
2.3模擬之參數分析 17
2.4天線模擬結果 20
2.5天線實驗結果 26
2.6結論 32

第三章 電子式場型可重置天線 33
3.1 概述 33
3.2 天線結構 35
3.3單一元素模擬與實驗結果 39
3.4天線模式介紹 44
3.5天線模擬結果 47
3.6電路實測結果 55
3.7天線實驗結果 59
3.8 結論 71
第四章 結論 72
參考文獻 73
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