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研究生(外文):Wei, Xiang-Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Comparative Study on The Revenant with Descriptive Translation Analyses between Traditional and Simplified Chinese Versions
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Pei-Shu
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Pei-ShuTseng, Wen-PeiChen, Cheng-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:Descriptive translation studiesPolysystem theoryLiterary translationMichael PunkeThe Revenant
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本文旨在藉由多元理論與描述型翻譯研究概念與架構,探討目標語文化中影響譯文、譯者翻譯決策以及翻譯整體之多重因素(如:文化、歷史、文學),並透過描述型翻譯的具體研究方法,結合語言學及文化等元素,從宏觀至微觀層面分析簡繁譯本之整體差異,進而說明與解釋影響原因。本文研究題材為《神鬼獵人》簡繁譯本,此題材受到改編電影《神鬼獵人》於2015年上映之影響,原文小說於2015年再版且在全球銷售近百萬本,同年底於台灣地區出版繁體版譯本《神鬼獵人》;2016年初則在對岸地區出版簡體版譯本《荒野獵人》,顯示翻譯在一定程度上受電影文化影響。除了封面,兩種版本的序跋、書評、譯者介紹等呈現結果大相逕庭,簡繁譯文內容也分別受到兩岸各自形成之文化及文學發展而有所差異。本文將以藍伯特(Lambert)與范戈普(van Gorp)提出的描述型翻譯方法:從初始資料(如:封面、書評)、宏觀層面(如:目錄、序跋)、微觀層面(詞彙選擇、調變法、慣用語、增詞法)及系統語境(文本互文性)等四項分類詳細描述譯本,進一步分析影響文本呈現結果之因素並提出完整解釋。本文希望透過描述型翻譯研究方法,客觀描述翻譯整體呈現結果,說明影響翻譯並非侷限於一項因素,而是受到目標語文化中多重因素相互影響,使譯文呈現出截然不同的風格與樣貌。
The current study aims to apply the idea of polysystem theory with the specific methodology proposed by descriptive translation studies to investigate and to describe factors (e.g., literature, history, or culture) that could have impacts on the translated products in terms of macro- and micro-level aspects. The materials of the current study are the traditional and simplified Chinese translated versions of The Revenant which was published at the end of 2015 in Taiwan and at the beginning of 2016 in Mainland China respectively since the release of the film of the same name in 2015; in addition, the original novel was republished in 2015 and sold for over half a million copies which suggested that the novel was influenced by the film. From the cover, preface, and content to word choice, lexical, and syntactical levels, it was indicated that the two versions of translation were affected by the interaction of multi-factors within a target-language culture, including literature, history, and movie culture to some extent.
With the methodology proposed by Lambert and van Gorp (1985), the current study adopted four steps of the methodology: preliminary data, macro-level data, micro-level data, and systematic context to describe translation as a whole and to further interpret the results. The ultimate goal of the current study intends to objectively describe translation and to explain that translated texts are not only influenced by one factor or confined to a certain translation rule but involved with the interaction of various elements in a target culture, hence the distinct presentations of the translation.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures ix
List of Appendices x
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Significance and Research Question 6
1.3 Overview of the Study 9
Chapter Two Literature Review 11
2.1 Descriptive Translation Studies 11
2.2 Origin of Descriptive Translation Studies 17
2.2.1 Polysystem Theory 17
2.2.2 Polysystem and Translated Literature 21
2.3 Approach of Descriptive Translation Studies 23
2.4 Norms of Translation Behavior 24
2.5 Model of Descriptive Translation Studies 28
2.6 Translation Studies on Original Novel of Film Adaptation 33
Chapter Three Methodology 37
3.1 Materials 37
3.2 Procedure 38
3.2.1 Preliminary Data 40
3.2.2 Macro-level Data 42
3.2.3 Micro-level Data 42
3.2.4 Systematic Context 44
3.3 Quantitative Analysis 45
3.3.1 Participants 46
3.3.2 Materials 46
3.3.3 Results of Pilot Study 49
Chapter Four Results 51
4.1 Preliminary Data 51
4.1.1 The Front Cover 53
4.1.2 The Back Cover 58
4.1.3 The Belly Band 62
4.1.4 The Footnotes 64
4.2 Macro-level Data 66
4.2.1 The Narrative Structure 66
4.2.2 The Division of Chapter 68
4.3 Micro-level Data 70
4.3.1 Lexical Choice 71
4.3.2 Modulation 75
4.3.3 Idiom 83
4.3.4 Amplification 89
4.4 Systematic Context 96
4.4.1 Allusion 97
4.4.2 Collage 100
4.5 Results of Questionnaire 101
4.5.1 Analysis of the Participants 102
4.5.2 Analysis of Participants’ Preferences on Film Adapted Novel 103
4.5.3 Analysis of Participants’ Perspectives toward Translation Strategy 104
Chapter Five Conclusions and Discussion 124
5.1 Conclusions 124
5.2 Discussion 126
5.3 Limitation 128
References 129
Appendices 138
Appendix 1 The result of the pilot study 138
Appendix 2 The questionnaire of the public’s perspective in Taiwan and Mainland China towards The Revenant (Traditional Chinese Version) 144
Appendix 3 The questionnaire of the public’s perspective in Taiwan and Mainland China towards The Revenant (Simplified Chinese Version) 150

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