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研究生(外文):Liang, Ting-Hua
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Super Absorbent Polymer(SAP)on Seedling Production and Container Cultivation of Vegetables
指導教授(外文):Hung, Chin-Hsiung
外文關鍵詞:super absorbent polymerhydrogelsstresswaterfertilizationparticle size
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本研究旨在探討以無土介質施用保水劑對蔬菜穴盤育苗生產及品質之影響,以台麗保AG 301、台麗保AG 303與水寶WB保水劑,探討保水劑施用量、粒徑大小配合不同澆水頻率、施肥倍數對蔬菜植株性狀之影響。
小白菜‘蜜雪兒’及青梗白菜‘芳蓉’播種至104格穴盤進行育苗,育苗介質中分別施用1 g‧L-1三種保水劑,未施用保水劑為對照組,結果顯示,出土率以AG301保水劑處理為佳,小白菜出土率又以每2日澆水處理較佳,青梗白菜以每4日與6日為佳。幼苗移植至5吋黑軟盆後栽培15日並進行澆水處理,小白菜以粗粒徑保水劑AG303處理之地上部鮮重、株高及地下部鮮重為佳,青梗白菜以保水劑粗粒徑AG303與WB處理之地上部鮮重及株高為佳;栽培30日後調查成株小白菜與青梗白菜,以粗粒徑保水劑WB處理每4日與每6日澆水處理之葉數、地上部鮮重、地上部乾重及株高為較佳。保水劑對穴盤出土率以每2日澆水處理之細粒徑保水劑為佳,植株生長效益以粗粒徑之保水劑為最高,細粒徑保水劑則為較差。施用保水劑對於每2日澆水處理形成負影響,而每4日澆水處理或每6日澆水處理配合保水劑之施用能維持最佳植株性狀品質。
甜瓜‘嘉玉’與辣椒‘朱雀’施用台麗保AG301與WB保水劑0.5 g、1 g與2 g‧L-1於泥炭土中,以每2日、4日、8日與16日為澆水時間處理,結果顯示甜瓜與辣椒之出土率以每4日澆水處理施用AG301保水劑2 g‧L-1為佳,施用兩種保水劑均能增加甜瓜與辣椒穴盤育苗之地上部鮮重、地上部乾重與株高,亦能使澆水頻率由每2日延長至每4日澆水,16日澆水處理則僅有AG301保水劑處理有植株存活,顯示施用保水劑於有效水分灌溉管理上是有顯著性的效益。
將小白菜進行穴盤育苗至4片本葉,移植至五吋黑軟盆,添加泥炭土施用保水劑AG301與WB,每8日以花寶五號N30-P10-K10 (Hyponex No.5)1000 ppm及2000 ppm澆灌於小白菜‘蜜雪兒’,以未施肥為對照組,栽培兩週後,以澆灌花寶五號1000ppm並施用AG301保水劑3 g‧L-1、5 g‧L-1與2000 ppm施用WB保水劑5 g‧L-1之葉數、地上部鮮重、地上部乾重與株高為較佳,栽培4週後,以澆灌花寶五號1000 ppm於保水劑AG301濃度與WB保水劑5 g‧L-1處理之葉數、地上部鮮重、地上部乾重與株高為最佳,小白菜植株性狀因保水劑施用量增加而促進其生長更佳,且增加產量,顯示保水劑能有效保留養分,減少施肥量,對合理化施肥及水分管理甚有意義。
This study was investigated the effect of applying super absorbent polymer(SAP)on plant characteristics of vegetable seedlings in peat moss. Three type of SAP(Tairysorb® Taisap AG 301, Tairysorb® Taisap AG 303 and Shui-bao WB)were applied and used as treatment group. To evaluate the effect of different type of SAP treatment, particle size, irrigation frequency and fertilizer ratio on plant characteristics of vegetable.
Pak-choi(Brassica rapa L. ‘michelle’) and green stalk Pak-choi(Brassica rapa L. ‘fang rong’) were sowed in plug with peat moss mixed with SAP(Tairysorb® Taisap AG 301, Tairysorb® Taisap AG 303 and Shui-bao)and the control with no SAP. The results had showed that seed germination of two pak-choi seeds had significantly improved by adding AG301with 1 g‧L-1 treatment, Pak-choi had best seed germination rate with water supplying every 2 days and green stalk Pak-choi had the best in seed germination rate with water supplying every 4 and 6 days. Transplanted to black plastic pot with same treatment and cultivated for 15 days, Pak-choi had significantly improved on shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight and plant height by adding AG303 SAP, green stalk Pak-choi also had same results by adding large particle of AG303 and Shui-bao SAP. Cultivated for 30 days, both of non-heading Pak-choi and green stalk Pak-choi had significantly been improved on leaf number, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight and plant height by adding large particle Shui-bao SAP with water supplying every 4 and 6 days. Fine particle of SAP had been better in seed germination than large particle of SAP with water supplying every 2 days, and transplanted Pak-choi and green stalk Pak-choi vice versa. SAP treatment had a negative effect on water supplying every 2 days, by contrast, water supplying every 4 and 6 days could maintain the quality and plant characteristics in Pak-choi and green stalk Pak-choi.
Muskmelon(Cucumis melo var. makuwa Makino L. ‘Jill’)and hot pepper(Capsicum annuum L. ‘KY Chivalry’)were sowed in plug with peat moss mixed with SAP 0.5 g‧L-1,1 g‧L-1 and 2 g‧L-1(Tairysorb® Taisap AG 301 and Shui-bao SAP)and the peat moss with no SAP severed as control by irrigation for every 2, 4, 8, and 16 days. The results had showed that the seed germination of muskmelon and hot pepper had significantly improved by adding 2 g‧L-1 AG301 SAP and watering every 4 days. SAP treatment could increase shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight and plant height of both muskmelon and hot pepper, moreover, achieve the purpose of extending irrigation frequency.
Pak-choi(Brassica rapa L. ‘michelle’) plug seedling were transplanted in black plastic pot with peat moss mixed with SAP 1 g‧L-1,3 g‧L-1 and 5 g‧L-1(Tairysorb® Taisap AG 301 and Shui-bao SAP)then fertilized with 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm solution of Hyponex No.5 (N30-P10-K10) every eight days. After cultivating Pak-choi for two weeks, the results had showed that treatment with Alcosorb® SAP 3, 5 g‧L-1 and fertilized with Hyponex No.5 1000 ppm solution and Shui-bao 5 g‧L-1 with Hyponex No.5 2000 ppm had improved significantly on leaf number, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight and plant height. After cultivating Pak-choi for four weeks, the results had showed that treatment with (AG301 and Shui-bao 5 g‧L-1)and fertilized with Hyponex No.5 1000 ppm solution had improved significantly on leaf number, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight and plant height. SAP application can improve many plant characteristics of Pak-choi. The results indicated that SAP not only can conserve the efficiency of the fertility in the soil but also reduce requirements of fertilizer for Pak-choi, it’s truly meaning for management of irrigation and fertilizer application.
表目次(List of Table) IX
圖目次(List of Figures) X
壹、緒論 1
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
貳、前人研究 3
Chapter 2. Literature Review 3
一、水分與作物生長的關係 3
(一)水分與土壤的關係 3
(二)灌溉水量與作物生長的關係 4
(三)水分對於作物產量影響 4
二、保水劑 5
(一)定義 5
(二)保水劑之作用原理 6
(三)保水劑的性質與分類 7
(四)保水劑之降解及安全性 9
(五)保水劑對土壤之作用 10
(六)保水劑於農業上之應用 11
(七)保水劑其他領域之應用 15
參、材料與方法 17
Chapter 3. Material and Methods 17
一、添加保水劑及澆水頻率對小白菜與青梗白菜穴盤育苗生產及品質之影響 17
二、添加保水劑種類及澆水頻率對瓜果穴盤育苗生長及生長特性影響 21
三、添加不同保水劑添加量與施肥量對小白菜生長性狀之影響 25
肆、結果 30
Chapter 4. Results 30
一、添加保水劑及澆水頻率對小白菜與青梗白菜穴盤育苗生產及品質之影響 30
(一)小白菜 30
(二)青梗白菜 35
二、添加保水劑種類及澆水頻率對瓜果穴盤育苗生長及生長特性影響 40
(一)甜瓜 40
(二)辣椒 50
三、添加不同保水劑添加量與施肥量對小白菜生長性狀之影響 59
伍、討論 108
Chapter 5. Discussion 108
陸、結論 121
Chapter 6. Conclusion 121
參考文獻Reference 123
附錄Appendix 132
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