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研究生(外文):Zhi-Jun Zhang
論文名稱:仿穗珊瑚Paralemnalia thyrsoides及瘤軟珊瑚Cladiella sp. 所含萜類化合物之研究
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Terpenoids from the Octocorals Paralemnalia thyrosides and Cladiella sp.
指導教授(外文):Ping-Jyun Sung
口試委員(外文):Tzong-Huei LeePei-Wen HsiehPing-Jyun Sung
中文關鍵詞:Paralemnalia thyrsoidesCladiellaeunicellin抗發炎超氧陰離子彈性蛋白酶細胞毒殺
外文關鍵詞:Paralemnalia thyrsoidesCladiellaeunicellinanti-inflammatorysuperoxide anionelastase releasecytotoxicity
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本研究主要是對由南台灣海域所採集到的兩種八放珊瑚,仿穗珊瑚Paralemnalia thyrsoides與瘤軟珊瑚Cladiella sp.的有機萃取物中尋找結構新穎之化學成分。從仿穗珊瑚中分離純化得到二個nor-sesquiterpene 類化合物,其中一個為新天然物為(+)-pathylactone A (1),及一個已知化合物napalilactone (2)。另外從瘤軟珊瑚中分離純化得到十四個eunicellin類雙萜類化合物3–16。其中包含四個新化合物cladieunicellins T (3)、U (4)、W (6)、X (7)及一個新天然物cladieunicellin V (5),與九個已知化合物sclerophytins A (8)、B (9)、E (10)、sclerophytin F methyl ether (11)、cladiellisin (12)、klysimplexin G (13)、6,14-diacetyloxy-10-hydroxy-6,10,14-trimethyl-3-propan-2-yl-15- oxatricyclo pentadecan acetate (14)、palmonine F (15)及klymollin Y (16)。所有化合物之結構皆是經由各種光譜分析並經由文獻比對而確定。化合物的活性試驗是藉由抑制由人類嗜中性白血球所產生超氧陰離子(generation of superoxide anion)及彈性纖維蛋白酶之釋放(elastase release)試驗以及對人類急性淋巴癌細胞 (Molt-4)、人類慢性骨髓癌細胞 (K562)毒殺活性進行測試。Cladieunicellin W (6) 對於fMLP/CB所誘導人類嗜中性白血球產生超氧陰離子與彈性纖維蛋白酶,具有顯著的抑制活性,其IC50 值為7.18與 7.83 μΜ,以及對人類急性淋巴癌細胞、人類慢性骨髓癌細胞具有毒殺活性,其IC50 值分別為35.09與38.92 μΜ。
This study focused on the investigation of the chemical constituents of two octcorals identified as Paralemnalia thyrsoides and Cladiella sp., collected in the waters of Southern Taiwan. From the alcoholic extract of P. thyrsoides, two nor-sesquiterpenes, including a new natural product, (+)-pathylactone (1), and a known compound napalilactone (2), were isolated. The analysis of Cladiella sp. extract led to the isolation of 14 eunicellin-based diterpenoids, including four new compounds, cladieunicellins T (3), U (4), W (6), X (7); a new natural product, cladieunicellin V (5); along with nine known eunicellins, sclerophytins A (8), B (9), E (10), sclerophytin F methyl ether (11), cladiellisin (12), klysimplexin G (13), 6,14-diacetyloxy-10-hydroxy-6,10,14-trimethyl-3-propan-2-yl-15-oxatricyclo pentadecan acetate (14), palmonine F (15), and klymollin Y (16). The structures of 116 were established by spectroscopic methods and comparison of the spectroscopic data with those of known related compounds. In bioactivity test, cladieunicellin W (6) showed significant inhibitory effects against the generation of superoxide anion and the release of elastase with IC50 values 7.18 and 7.83 μM, respectively. It also exhibited cytotoxicity against human leukemia Molt-4 and K562 cells with IC50 values 35.09 and 38.92 μM, respectively.
中文摘要 I
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XIII
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、前言 1
第二節、研究動機 2
第三節、Paralemnalia屬珊瑚所含天然物之文獻回顧 2
第四節、Cladiella屬珊瑚所含天然物之文獻回顧 6
第二章、生物材料與分離流程 27
第一節、生物樣品採集與分類 27
第二節、生物樣品與萃取 30
第三章、實驗器材與有機溶劑 35
第一節、儀器 35
第二節、有機溶劑 36
第四章、結果與討論 39
第一節、仿穗珊瑚Paralemnalia thyrsoides所含化合物之研究 39
1. (+)-Pathylactone A (1)之結構解析 39
2. Napalilactone (2)之結構解析 53
第二節、瘤軟珊瑚Cladiella sp. 所含化合物之研究 59
3. Cladieunicellin T (3)之結構解析 59
4. Cladieunicellin U (4)之結構解析 69
5. Cladieunicellin V (5)之結構解析 81
6. Cladieunicellin W (6)之結構解析 93
7. Cladieunicellin X (7)之結構解析 105
8. Sclerophytin A (8)之結構解析 117
9. Sclerophytin B (9)之結構解析 123
10. Sclerophytin E(10)之結構解析 129
11. Sclerophytin F methyl ether (11)之結構解析 135
12. Cladiellisin (12)之結構解析 141
13. Klysimplexin G (13)之結構解析 147
14. 6,14-Diacetyloxy-10-hydroxy-6,10,14-trimethyl-3-propan-2-yl-15-oxatricyclo pentadecan acetate (14)之結構解析 153
15. Palmonine F (15)之結構解析 159
16. Klymollin Y (16)之結構解析 165
第三節、實驗數據整理 171
第五章、生物活性試驗 175
第一節、抗發炎活性測試-Ⅰ 175
第二節、抗發炎活性測試-Ⅱ 175
第三節、細胞毒殺試驗 176
第四節、生物活性試驗結果 179
第六章、結論 181
第七章、參考文獻 183
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