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研究生(外文):Tai-Chi Chang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of culture system, light intensity and flow velocity on physiological performance of soft coral, Sarcophyton glaucum
指導教授(外文):Tung-Yung Fan
口試委員(外文):Pi-Jen LiuLi-Lian LiuTung-Yung Fan
外文關鍵詞:light intensityflow velocityrecirculating aquaculture systemflow-through systemSarcophyton glaucum
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異地珊瑚水產養殖的成效會受培養系統、光強度及流速的影響,本研究在三種培養系統中((1) RAS-B:合成海水的循環式系統並且沒有添加微生物菌群;(2) RAS+B:合成海水的循環式系統,移除蛋白除沫器,並加入活岩石,及分離進行異營餵食浮游植物營養液;(3) FT:天然海水的流水式系統),分別進行光強度(PAR, 100及200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1)和流速(5及15 cm s−1)對藍綠肉質軟珊瑚(Sarcophyton glaucum)生理表現影響的實驗。珊瑚全部存活,並且最大量子產率都在正常範圍。在RAS-B內,浮力重量的特定生長速率受到光強度和流速的影響,頭冠部直徑改變率受到光強度的影響;在RAS+B內,生理參數不受光強度和流速的影響;在FT內,特定生長速率受到光強度和流速的影響,頭冠部直徑改變率、有機質重量百分比受到流速的影響,且頭冠部直徑改變率和特定生長速率與有機質重量百分比呈正相關。因此建議未來結合循環式系統及天然海水,在可控制環境條件下培養可預測生長參數的珊瑚。
The quality of ex-situ coral aquaculture is affected by culture system, light intensity and flow velocity. This study tested the effect of three different types of systems ((1) RAS-B : used synthetic seawater within a recirculating aquaculture system, no additional microbial flora (2) RAS+B : used synthetic seawater within a recirculating aquaculture system, but without a protein skimmer and incorporated the addition of live rock and supplemental feeding phytoplankton nutrient solution (3) FT : used natural seawater within a flow-through system) on the physiological performance of the soft coral, Sarcophyton glaucum. In each system the effect of two levels of light intensity (PAR; 100 and 200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1) and flow velocity (5 and 15 cm s−1) on coral physiology was assessed. Corals across each of the systems had normal values of maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and no mortality was observed over the course of the study. In RAS-B, the specific growth rate is affected by light intensity and flow velocity, and the oral disc diameter change rates is affected by light intensity. In RAS+B, physiological parameters are not affected by light intensity and flow velocity. In FT, the specific growth rate is affected by the light intensity and flow velocity. The oral disc diameter change rates and organic weight (%) are affected by flow velocity, and the oral disc diameter change rates is positively correlated with the specific growth rate and organic weight (%). Therefore, it is recommended to combine RAS with natural seawater in the future to cultivate predictable growth parameters under controlled environmental conditions.
壹、前言 1
貳、材料與方法 5
2.1 實驗物種及採樣地點 5
2.2 珊瑚斷片製作 5
2.3 培養系統配置、實驗流程、系統維護 6
2.4 光強度、流速、珊瑚斷片配置 7
2.5 珊瑚特定生長速率 7
2.6 珊瑚頭冠部直徑改變率、基部直徑、柱部高度 8
2.7 珊瑚顏色 8
2.8 珊瑚最大量子產率 9
2.9 珊瑚有機質重量百分比 9
2.10 統計分析 9
參、結果 11
3.1 系統水質參數 11
3.2 珊瑚特定生長速率 11
3.3 珊瑚頭冠部直徑改變率、基部直徑、柱部高度 12
3.4 珊瑚顏色 14
3.5 珊瑚最大量子產率 14
3.6 珊瑚有機質重量百分比 15
3.7 頭冠部直徑改變率和特定生長速率、有機質重量百分比的相關性 15
肆、討論 17
伍、參考文獻 23
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