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研究生(外文):Hsiuan-Cheng Liu
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between scientific literacy and media literacy of high school students in Taipei and New Taipei city
指導教授(外文):Huei Lee
口試委員(外文):Wen-Cheng ChenChia-Ling ChiangHuei Lee
外文關鍵詞:high school studentsscientific literacymedia literacyTaipei
  • 被引用被引用:4
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本研究探討雙北地區高中學生的科學素養與媒體素養之發展情形,以及兩者間的關係,以相關研究法 (correlational research) 為研究主軸,採劉乙萱(2017) 發展之「高中生科學素養調查問卷」與「高中生媒體素養調查問卷」加以整合,並調查高中學生之性別、年級、學科背景、媒體使用行為及家庭成員學歷等背景資料,與科學素養和媒體素養的發展情形進行分析比較。研究以台北市與新北市各 2 所高中學生為研究對象,有效樣本為 635 份。主要結果摘要如下:

一、 科學素養與媒體素養的發展情形會因性別而有所差異。男學生在科學素養「整體」、「對科學基本概念的自我效能」及「探究能力」向度的發展均較女學生佳;而在媒體素養方面,除了在「媒體批判與反思」向度男生顯著高於女生以外,其他向度男女之間皆無顯著差異,顯示性別對於科學素養的影響相對媒體素養要明顯得多。

二、 不同年級的學生無論在科學素養或是媒體素養的表現均沒有顯著差異。在科學素養或媒體素養的各向度中,僅有出現三年級學生在科學素養的平均得分低於其他年級的情況,但經過分析均無達到顯著差異,顯示年級與科學素養或是媒體素養之間的關聯並不大。

三、 自然組學生在科學素養除了「社會性科學議題 (SSI)」與社會組學生平均得分相當接近之外,其他的所有科學素養向度中表現均顯著高於社會組學生;但在媒體素養方面,各向度均無顯著差異,顯示學科背景的不同對於科學素養的影響相當明顯,但對於媒體素養的影響並不顯著。

四、 媒體使用情形與科學素養和媒體素養的發展情形有部分正相關。適度觀看電視、YouTube 影片、閱讀報章雜誌、部落格及論壇、收聽廣播、使用通訊軟體等行為對於學生科學素養有所助益;而除了廣播、報章雜誌、電視外,大部份媒體使用時間的長短並不會對學生媒體素養造成顯著影響,顯示廣播、紙本與電視等傳統媒體,不論是對科學素養或是媒體素養,都依然具有相當可觀的影響力,而部分網路媒體對科學素養的影響力也不容小覷。

五、 科學素養整體與科學素養中各向度之間呈現中度至高度正相關,而媒體素養各向度間大致呈現中度正相關;而科學素養整體與媒體素養整體之間,呈現中度正相關,至於科學素養與媒體素養中的各向度之間,則有部分呈現中度正相關。此結果除顯示兩者之間確實存在部分的正面關聯外,媒體素養中的「媒體批判與反思」向度與科學素養中的「對科學基本概念的自我效能」、「探究能力」、「社會性科學議題 (SSI)」向度的相關係數最高,顯示具有良好媒體批判與反思意識的學生,可能也同時在科學學習方面具有良好的自我效能和探究能力,以及對社會性科學議題的正面態度。但此關聯也有可能會受到媒體內容、家庭教育、受到的科學訓練等其他中介變項的影響。
This research explores the development of scientific literacy and media literacy of high school students in Taipei and New Taipei city area, and the relationship between the two, by using the orrelational research as the main structure, and adopting the “High School Student Science Literacy Survey” developed by Liu Yi-Xuian (2017) The questionnaire was integrated with the “High School Student Media Literacy Questionnaire” and investigated background data such as gender, grade level, subject background, media use behavior and family member qualifications of high school students, and analyzed and compared with the development of scientific literacy and media literacy. The study was conducted by two high school students from both Taipei City and New Taipei City. The effective sample is 635.

The main results are summarized as follows:

1. The development of scientific literacy and media literacy will vary according to gender. Male students are better at developing the "integration" of the science, the "self-efficacy of the basic concepts of science" and the "exploration ability".
In terms of media literacy, apart from the "media criticism and reflection" to the boys significantly higher than girls are no other significant differences between men and women dimension.

2. There were no significant differences in the performance of science literacy or media literacy among students of different grades. Among the various aspects of scientific literacy or media literacy, only the third-grade students had lower average scores in scientific literacy than other grades, but they did not reach significant differences after analysis.

3. In addition to the “Science Science Issues (SSI)” and the social group students’ average scores, the natural group students’ performance in all scientific literacy is significantly higher than that of the social group students. However, in terms of media literacy, There was no significant difference in the degree of

4. Media usage and development of scientific literacy and media literacy situation of some positive correlation. Moderately watching TV, YouTube videos, reading newspapers and magazines, blogs and forums, listening to radio, and using communication software can help students' scientific literacy. In addition to broadcasting, newspapers and magazines, most media use time. The length does not have a significant impact on student media literacy.

5. There is a moderate positive correlation between scientific literacy and media literacy. This result may be affected by other mediation variables, except that there is a positive correlation between the two.
第一章 緒論........................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...............................1
第二節 研究目的與問題...............................3
第三節 名詞釋義....................................4
第四節 研究範圍與研究限制...........................7
第二章 文獻探討...................................11
第一節 科學素養...................................11
第二節 媒體素養...................................15
第三章 研究方法...................................21
第一節 研究架構...................................21
第二節 研究設計...................................23
第三節 研究對象...................................25
第四節 研究工具...................................26
第五節 資料處理與分析..............................29
第四章 資料結果與討論..............................31
第一節 基本資料分析................................31
第二節 「科學素養」差異分析.........................37
第三節 「媒體素養」差異分析.........................57
第四節 「科學素養」及「媒體素養」相關分析............72
第五節 背景變項與「科學素養」及「媒體素養」相關分析...74
第六節 小結.......................................79
第五章 結論與建議..................................85
第一節 結論.......................................85
第二節 建議.......................................95





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