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研究生(外文):Wei-Ru Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical analysis of the lower extremity during countermovement jump with different resistances.
指導教授(外文):Li-I Wang
口試委員(外文):Mu-San ChangYuan-Mei Sun
外文關鍵詞:countermovement jumpbarbellelastic band
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  目的: 本研究欲從運動生物力學觀點,探究以不同特性的阻力:固定式阻力與彈性式阻力,進行下蹲跳動作時,下肢肌力、爆發力與協調特性之差異。

  方法: 以15名國立東華大學體育與運動科學系之學生為研究對象。以一塊AMTI三軸測力板及八台紅外線光學攝影機同步擷取資料。本實驗共有三組下蹲跳動作之測試:無外加阻力、彈力式阻力、固定式阻力,阻力強度為20%BW。從The Motion Monitor動作分析軟體擷取本研究所需之參數。採重複量數單因子變異數分析 (one-way ANOVA) 考驗各參數間的差異,統計顯著水準訂為 α=.05。

  結果:固定式阻力有較長的動作時間 (p < .05)、較大的地面反作用力 (p < .05),及較大的最大膝、踝關節伸肌力矩 (p < .05)。彈力式阻力進行下蹲跳時,下肢關節肌群向心收縮時宜無近端-遠端的順序性 (p >.05)。

  Purpose: This study intends to explore the differences in muscle strength, explosive force, and coordination characteristics of the lower extremity when performing the countermovement jump with the resistance with different characteristics: fixed resistance and elastic resistance.

  Meth: Fifteen students from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of National Dong Hwa University were selected as subjects. Data were synchronously collected through an AMTI tri-axial force plate and eight infrared optical cameras. The experiment consisted of three sets of countermovement jump tests with elastic resistance, with fixed resistance, and without resistance, where the resisting strength was set at 20%BW. The parameters required in this study were taken from the Motion Monitor software. Repeat measure one-way ANOVA was performed to test the difference among parameters. The level of statistical significance was set to α=.05.

  Results: There was a longer movement time (p < 0.05), greater ground reaction force (p < 0.05), and larger maximum knee and ankle extensor moment (p < 0.05) in the fixed resistance group was also observed. During the application of elastic resistance in countermovement jump, there was no sequential pattern from proximal to distal timing of lower extremity extensors start to concentric contraction (p > 0.05).

  Conclusion: The countermovement jump with fixed resistance of barbell could significantly improve the performance of lower extremity muscles, especially in knees and ankles. When the elastic band was used as elastic resistance during countermovement jump, it did not benefit with a significant gain in the performance of lower extremity muscles, while it actually cause less favorable condition for coordinated power built-up and transmission. Thus, this study would suggest coach and athlete to use instead countermovement jump with fixed resistance in their training.
中文摘要   Ⅰ
英文摘要   Ⅲ
目次     Ⅴ
表次     Ⅶ
圖次     VIII

第一章   緒論         1
第一節  問題背景        1
第二節  研究目的        3
第三節  研究假設        4
第四節 研究範圍與限制      5
第五節 名詞解釋與實驗操作性定義 6
第六節 研究的重要性       8

第二章  文獻探討                    9
第一節 肌力與爆發力對跳躍運動的重要性         9
第二節 SSC機制對跳躍表現的立即性影響與在訓練上的應用 12
第三節 下蹲跳動作的協調與控制特性           16

第三章   研究方法     17
第一節   研究對象     17
第二節  實驗時間與地點   18
第三節  實驗儀器與設備   19
第四節 實驗流程與場地佈置  24
第五節   資料處理     28
第六節   統計方法     29

第四章   結果   31

第五章  討論與結論 35
第一節   討論   35
第二節   結論   39

參考文獻   41
中文部分   41
英文部分   45
附錄     49
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