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研究生(外文):LIN, PENG-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Constituents of the root of Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax ex Pax et Hoffm.
外文關鍵詞:Pseudostellaria heterophylla
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太子參為石竹科 (Caryophyllaceae) 多年生草本植物孩兒參屬(Pseudostellaria) 異葉假繁縷 (Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax ex Pax et Hoffm.) 之乾燥塊根,又稱「孩兒參」。主要分布於中國大陸、日本和韓國等地,現多為人工栽培。近年來研究發現太子參具有降血糖、免疫促進、葡萄糖使用促進、抗腫瘤、抗疲勞、止咳、抗氧化損傷及抗黑色素等作用。
本實驗目的在於以不同之方法分離出太子參乙醇及水溶性成分,因此利用逆相高效液相層析等方法得到五個化合物,分別為四個已知化合物及一個新化合物 (CP331)。經文獻比對各化合物之光譜數據,確認為一個核苷類化合物:腺苷(adenosine) (1);一個苯甲酸衍生物p-hydroxybenzoic acid (2);一個環肽類化合物:pseudostellarin A (3);一個脂肪酸類化合物:亞麻油酸(linoleic acid) (4);一個呋喃之衍生物:CP331 (5)。其中CP331 (5)為新化合物,而在已知化合物中,化合物2為首次自太子參中分離得到,環肽類化合物3產率為2.81×10-4%,目前已有研究發現具有酪胺酸酶抑制劑,能抗黑色素生成,未來可進行其他藥理活性之探究。
Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax ex Pax et Hoffm. is a perennial plant of the Caryophyllaceae family, Pseudostellaria genus, known commonly as Hai Er Shen (Kid Ginseng), Tai Zi Shen (Prince Ginseng). It is mainly distributed in China, Japan and Korea, and is now mostly cultivated. The root of P. heterophylla possessed anti-hyperglycemic, immunostimulant, promoting glucose consumption, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, anti-tussive, anti-oxidative damage and anti-melanin activities.
The aim of this study is separated the water-soluble and alcohol-soluble compounds of the root of P. heterophylla. In order to explore the active compounds, the extracts of P. heterophylla were subjected to reversed-phase chromatography to yield five compounds: Four known compounds and one new compound (CP331) were isolated from the extracts of P. heterophylla. These known compounds were identified as one nucleoside: adenosine (1), one benzoic acid derivative: p-hydroxybenzoic acid (2), one cyclic peptide: pseudostellarin A (3), one fatty acid: linoleic acid (4) by comparing their spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature and one furan derivative: CP331 (5). Among them, compound 5 is a new compound and compound 2 was isolated from this plant for the first time. The yield of compound 3 is 2.81×10-4% and displays anti-melanin activity has been found. Other pharmacological activities can be explored in the future.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究目的
第二章 太子參介紹
第一節 植物與藥材概述
第二節 化學成分回顧
第三節 藥理活性回顧
第四節 專利檢索
第三章 太子參化學成分之抽取與分離
第四章 化合物之結構鑑定
第一節 Adenosine (1)之結構鑑定
第二節 p-Hydroxybenzoic acid (2)之結構鑑定
第三節 Pseudostellarin A (3)之結構鑑定
第四節 Linoleic Acid (4)之結構鑑定
第五節 CP331 (5)之結構鑑定
第五章 實驗方法
第一節 材料與儀器
第二節 抽取與萃取
第三節 分離與純化
第四節 化合物之物理及光譜數據
第六章 結論

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