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研究生(外文):Shin-Chieh Lin
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Dietary Multi-Nutrient Supplementation on Duroc Boar Semen Quality during the Subtropical Hot Season
指導教授(外文):Der-Nan Lee
外文關鍵詞:boarsemen qualitynutrition
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台灣屬於亞熱帶,夏天熱緊迫會降低公豬精液品質,易因此而減低豬場繁殖成績。本試驗之目的即額外補充多種胺基酸、n-3脂肪酸、礦物質及維生素所組合之複合營養以改善公豬產精性能。本試驗使用48頭平均23月齡之杜洛克公豬,依年齡逢機分配到二處理組:對照組為餵飼商業公豬飼料+100 g澱粉/天;處理組為餵飼商業公豬飼料+100 g複合營養添加劑/天。試驗期間豬舍內最高最低溫分別為34.2和23.5 ℃,每處理24頭公豬,每天餵飼3.0±0.2 kg之商業飼料,每週採精1-2次。試驗第4、8、12週,每組隨機選取12頭公豬量測精液量、精液外觀特徵及利用電腦輔助精子分析系統(computer-assisted sperm analysis, CASA)量測精子活動特性,利用混和分析模式(Mixed model)統計3次量測之綜合結果。結果顯示,補充複合營養添加劑不影響精液量、精子濃度、頭巾完整率或存活率(P > 0.05),但能顯著改善精子形態正常率(P > 0.01)。再者,補充複合營養添加劑能顯著提高公豬精子活動特性中之曲線移動速率(curvilinear velocity, VCL)、平均移動路徑(velocity average path, VAP)、直線移動速率(velocity straight line, VSL)及擺動性(wobble, WOB)(P < 0.05),並顯著增加精漿之抗氧化力、蛋白質濃度及天門冬胺酸轉胺酶活性(P < 0.05),但補充複合營養添加劑會降低精漿內鹼性磷酸酶及γ-麩胺醯轉化酶活性(P < 0.05)。綜合以上結果,添加複合營養添加劑能增加公豬精漿內抗氧化力,進而改善公豬精子正常率與其活動能力。因此建議公豬處於熱緊迫期間餵飼商業飼料,額外補充複合營養分有利改善精液品質。
The study is designed to test the effects of supplementing a multi-nutrient mixture of amino acids, omega-3 fatty acid, mineral and vitamins formulated to improve boar’s fertility that always depressed by heat stress. A total of 48 boars (Duroc, averaging 23 months)were randomly assigned to positive Control: offering 100 g starch per day per boar in addition to their normal commercial diet feeding(3.0 ± 0.2 kg); Treatment: 100 g multi-nutrient formula instead of starch. Ejaculate was collected once or twice per week and its quality characteristics including semen volume and motility parameters were evaluated by CASA within 12 hours after each collection. The study lasted for 12 weeks, only samples on day 4th, 8th and 12th week were measured. During the experiment, the maximum and the minimum daily temperature was 34.2℃ and 23.5 ℃, with 88.6 % RH. The data were analyzed by Mixed model to reveal significant effects of the treatment. Results showed that a significant improvement(P < 0.01) was found in the normal morphology in the treatment group. Moreover, the parameters of motility indicated by CASA including VCL, VAP, VSL, and WOB were significant higher(P < 0.05)in the treatment group. It is also significantly increased the antioxidant capacity , protein concentration and aspartate-amino-transferase activity in the seminal plasma(P < 0.05)in the treatment group. The activity of alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyl-transferase reduce in seminal plasma(P < 0.05)in the treatment group. It is concluded that supplementation of prepared multi-nutrient formula to heat-stressed boars could improve their normal morphology and motility of sperm and suggesting that, under the subtropical summer, the nutrients supply to boars is good for them to exhibit their genetic potential in spermatogenesis in the current feeding regime.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
壹、緒言 2
貳、文獻探討 4
一、 熱緊迫之危害 4
(一) 熱緊迫對公豬生理之影響 4
1. 激素反應 4
2. 生理反應 4
3. 採食及消化吸收反應 4
(二) 熱緊迫對公豬性能之影響 5
1. 精液品質及受孕率 5
2. 熱緊迫影響精子之可能原因 5
3. 直腸及陰囊表面溫度 6
4. 對精漿之影響 6
5. 對精子DNA 之影響 6
二、 公豬繁殖性能評估 6
(一) 精液量及精子濃度 6
(二) 活力 7
(三) 精子形態 7
(四) 存活率 7
(五) 精漿酵素及非酵素系統 8
1. 蛋白質(protein) 8
2. 總抗氧化力(trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, TEAC) 8
3. 麩胺基硫過氧化酶(glutathione peroxidase, GPx) 8
4. γ-麩胺醯轉化酶(γ-glutamyl-transferase, GGT) 9
5. 天門冬胺酸轉胺酶(aspartate-amino-transferase, AST) 9
6. 肌酸激酶(creatine kinase , CK) 9
7. 鹼性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase, ALP) 9
8. 酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase, ACP) 10
9. 丙二醛(malondialdehyde, MDA) 10
三、 影響公豬繁殖性能之營養因素 10
(一) 營養 10
1. 必需胺基酸 10
2. 可刺激激性腺素分泌之營養 11
3. 具有抗發炎功能之n-3多元不飽和脂肪酸 12
4. 抗氧化與維持新陳代謝速率之營養分 12
5. 維生素與礦物質 13
6. 複合式營養物質 14

参、材料與方法 15
一、試驗設計 15
(一)試驗設計 15
(二)公豬飼養管理 15
二、 測定項目與分析方法 19
(一) 精液量 19
(二) 精子濃度 19
(三) 精子活力 19
(四) 精子存活力 19
(五) 精子形態 19
(六) 以CASA分析精子活力 19
(七) 精子及精漿樣品採集 20
(八) 精液抗氧化及組成分析 20
1. 精子MDA測定 20
2. 精漿總抗氧化力(trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, TEAC)濃
度測定 20
3. 精漿蛋白質濃度測定 20
4. 精漿麩胺基硫過氧化酶(glutathione Peroxidase, GPx)活性測定 21
5. 精漿酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase)活性測定 21
6. 精漿生化學分析 21
三 、統計分析 21

肆、結果 23
伍、討論 31
柒、參考文獻 35

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