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研究生(外文):LI, YUN-ZHE
論文名稱(外文):Multi-Objective Optimization for 3-Dimension Small Cell Deployment of 5G Considering Various Building Materials
指導教授(外文):CHAO, HAN-CHIEH
外文關鍵詞:5GWireless backhaul networkUltra dense networkHeterogeneous NetworkNSGA-IIThree-dimensional arrangement
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在這個網路流量逐漸成長的時代,第四代行動網路 (The fourth generation of mobile phone mobile communication technology standards, 4G) 的傳輸速率已經無法滿足人們需求,第五代行動網路 (The fifth generation mobile network, 5G) 已經蓄勢待發,因為相較過去的網路服務使用更高的頻率,其繞射能力變差,也就是穿牆後的訊號強度大幅衰減,這導致了基地台的傳輸距離縮短,因此5G的網路拓樸比起之前更加密集,使得基地台間的干擾有所增加,所以要享有高品質的5G服務便是要透過適當的基地台建設。然而現代人大多數時間都在室內,使得無線設備接收的訊號強度降低,尤其是更高頻的毫米波(millimeter Wave, mmWave)影響更劇,除此之外對於不同的建築材料,也會對訊號波造成不同程度的損耗。
現在毫米波的傳播模型都會考慮到高度的影響,一方面也因為在現代建築物的高度愈來愈高,但是以往的網路覆蓋研究大部分是基於二維環境所作出的結果,因此本研究希望藉由無線設備所接收的訊號強度 (Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI) 找出適合的基地台佈署方案,可以提升用戶的覆蓋率和降低佈署方案的成本之外還能保有用戶的訊號品質,由於以上三個目標具有權衡問題,因此我們基於NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II) 這個多目標演算法提出了在複雜且三維空間的環境下,能模擬出滿足運營商和用戶需求覆蓋的佈署演算法Improved-ANSGA-II,並比較不同材質的建築物構成的環境對訊號造成的影響,從而導致佈署結果的差異,最後探討在不同的現實環境中對於佈署目標的選擇。
Now network throughput is growing rapidly. The 4G (The fourth generation of mobile phone mobile communication technology standards) transmission rate has been unable to satisfy needs of users. The next-generation network (The fifth generation mobile network, 5G) is ready to release. 5G requires higher frequency than past network. But the signal strength after passing through the wall is greatly attenuated, which causes the transmission distance to be shortened. The architecture of 5G will be an ultra-dense network, resulting in increased interference between base stations. Therefore, network coverage is an important issue when building high-quality 5G services through base station construction. However, people spend most of their time indoors, reducing the signal strength received by wireless devices. In particular, the higher frequency millimeter waves will be more affected by the building. In addition, for different building materials, it will also cause different intensity loss to the signal.
The mmWave (millimeter-wave) propagation model takes into account the influence of building height. On the other hand, the higher the height of the building, the greater the impact. However, most of the research on network coverage in the past is based on two-dimensional environment. Therefore, this thesis aims to find the appropriate deployment position of the base station according to the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), coverage, and deployment cost. Since these three objectives have a trade-off problem, we propose an improved-ANSGA-II method to solve the 3D deployment problem for the base station. Comparing the effects of different materials on the signal, thus causing differences in deployment results. Finally exploring the choice of deployment targets in different practical situations.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 超密集異構網路 1
1.1.2 無線回程網路 2
1.1.3 無線通訊 3
1.2 研究動機 5
1.3 研究目標 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第三章 問題定義 9
3.1 參數定義 9
3.2 用戶的訊號功率 12
3.3 覆蓋率 16
3.4 成本 16
3.5 規劃目標 16
第四章 演算法 18
4.1 NSGA-II演算法 18
4.1.1 Pareto最優 18
4.1.2 基於Pareto改善的演算法 19
第五章 模擬 27
5.1 模擬環境 27
5.2 模擬結果 29
第六章 討論 53
第七章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
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