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研究生(外文):LEE, PEI-CHUN
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Storage Condition on Spore Viability in Pentarhizidium orientale
口試委員(外文):LIN, SHIH-ZONG
外文關鍵詞:Chlorophyllous sporesGermination ratePinnule capsuleStorage temperature
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東方莢果蕨(Pentarhizidium orientale (Hook.) Hayata = Matteuccia orientalis (Hook.) Trevis.) 在2017年出版的台灣維管束植物紅皮書初評名錄中被列入國家極危(NCR)蕨類,在野外受到人為干擾而造成族群持續下降,亟須域外保育。蕨類域外保育多採集孢子繁殖植株,亦佐以建立孢子種源庫為重要方式之一。然而,東方莢果蕨孢子歸屬短命型綠色孢子,因此本研究意在探求有效且簡易延長東方莢果蕨孢子活力之儲存處理方法。本研究調控孢子是否為羽片所包覆並結合-80℃、-20℃、4℃、25℃等4種不同儲存溫度,將東方莢果蕨置於8種儲存條件下,儲存後每2週計數孢子檢測發芽率,持續16週,檢視各儲存條件與時間下之孢子活力並計算其平均壽命。結果顯示,無羽片包覆孢子在4種儲存溫度下,其平均壽命均不到1週;羽片包覆儲存之孢子,4℃平均壽命最長可達10週,其次為-20℃的6週,25℃的3週,但-80℃在短時間即喪失活力。整體而言,4℃及羽片包覆之儲存處理最有益於維持孢子活力。
Pentarhizidium orientale (Hook.) Hayata (= Matteuccia orientalis (Hook.) Trevis.) was a national critically endangered (NCR) fern of Taiwan, which needs to be protected by ex situ conservation using spore culture, gradually decreases - population size because of human interference. Fern spore is usually used for propagation, and establishing spore bank is an assistant method of ex situ conservation. However, P. orientale is a fern with short-lived chlorophyllous spore. Thus, an efficient and easy storage treatment to elongate the span of spore viability of P. orientale was needed. In this study, the germination rates of spores, if being capsuled by pinnule or not at four different temperature (-80℃, -20℃, 4℃, 25℃) were monitored, at 2 weeked-interval until 16 weeks. Therefore, life-span of spores was calculated based on germination rates. Results showed that life span of the spores without pinnule capsule at four different storage temperature is less than 1 week. In contrast, spores covered with pinnule capsule, the longest life span of the spores is ca. 10 weeks at 4℃, the second one is 6 weeks at -20℃, the one at 25℃ is 3 weeks, but the spores stored at -80℃ lost viabilities in a short time. In general, the best storage condition for maintaining spore viability was stored the spores covering with pinnule capsule at 4℃.
摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VI
附表目錄 VII
附圖目錄 VII
一、前言 1
1.1蕨類保育之孢子庫設置 1
1.2研究緣起與目的 2
二、文獻回顧 4
三、材料與方法 6
3.1植物材料 6
3.2儲存處理 6
3.3孢子播撒與培育 7
3.4觀察與紀錄 7
四、結果 8
4.1儲存溫度對孢子發芽率之影響 8
4.2羽片包覆對孢子發芽率之影響 8
4.3平均壽命統計 12
4.4孢子大小與平均壽命關係分析 13
五、討論 15
5.1儲存溫度對孢子活力之影響 15
5.1.1無羽片包覆儲存對孢子活力之影響 15
5.1.2羽片包覆儲存對孢子活力之影響 16
5.2儲存時間對孢子活力之影響 18
5.3孢子平均壽命 19
5.4孢子之大小對平均壽命的影響 21
六、結論 23
七、參考文獻 24
八、附錄 29

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