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論文名稱:以澳洲為例的國際教育旅遊- 產學業界如何創造雙贏
論文名稱(外文):International Educational Tourism as an Example in AustraliaHow to Make a Win -Win between the Academic and Travel Idustries
外文關鍵詞:International Educational TourismStudy TourTravel agency
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在教育旅遊(Educational Trip;School Trip;Study Tour) 係指本國學校與國外學校透過交流互訪、姊妹校結盟等方式,以推廣學生多元學習,並拓展國際視野的一種學習途徑及方法。數年學校單位輔導的歷練與旅遊業界多年的工作,了解到目前各級學校積極的安排校方師長與學生們參與多樣化的教育旅遊行程,但卻找不到專門的旅遊業者來協助的窘境。同時解決目前普遍旅行業界的薄利慘澹經營,在專業的能力輔助下且應校方客製化需求的行程安排與制定,在這一塊教育旅遊的藍海下,能夠大展身手,創造更大的利潤與成就。並且在產學合作的基礎下,讓雙方都能夠以最便利的行程企劃達到家長滿意效果,校方執行放心,企業滿足獲利的三贏。

Several years working in the counseling room of high schools and being a salesman and a tour leader in the travel agency, these two experiences help me realize that the schools at all levels positively arrange the multiple international education trips to the foreign countries for the teachers and students because all of the government , society community ,and students’ expectations but they can’t find the suitable travel agency’s help.
The educational tourism cases of the two schools in the study were: Yangming Junior High School in Yangmei District of Taoyuan City and National Tung-gang Maritime and Fishery Vocational School in Donggang Town, Pingtung County, these two different cases of short-term educational tourism in Australia. Based on the theoretical framework of supply and demand, the topics we discussed include: first of all, the formulation of the travel plan for customized demand; the second, the most effective us of funds and product plans, and the third is to share the most common cases happened suddenly in the trip and how to overcome all the temporary difficulties students have . Last of all, the review and improvement after the implementation of the itinerary plan.
Through this case analysis, We hope that the academics or tourism industry who wants to conduct international education and tourism in the future can pay more attention to the various aspects of international education tourism, and look forward to leading the future national leaders through educational tourism. It is easy to be in line with international standards and establish a clear international outlook earlier for the high school students.

書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 2
第二節 研究動機與目的 4
第貳章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 旅行社 6
第二節 遊程規劃 9
第三節 教育旅遊 12
第參章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究設計 19
第二節 研究架構與假設 20
第三節 研究範圍與對象 20
第四節 料蒐集分析與研究信實度 26
第五節 訪談原則與研究倫理 28
第肆章 資料分析 29
第一節 教育旅遊計畫的施行 29
第二節 教育旅遊計畫的初期 29
第三節 教育旅遊計畫的中期-經費估算與教育訓練 34
第四節 教育旅遊計畫的運作和反思與再進化 40
第伍章 結論與建議 45
第一節 研究結果 45
第二節 未來限制與未來 458
參考文獻 49

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