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研究生(外文):LI, Wei-jun
論文名稱(外文):The Regeneration and Reuse of Synthesized Zeolite for Adsorbing Ammonia-N in Wastewater by Using Microwave Plasma Approach
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Cheng-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Cheng-HsienLiao, Wei-TungChao, How-Ran
外文關鍵詞:ammonia nitrogenzeolitemicrowave plasmaregenerationdestruction
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高濃度氨氮廢水,進入水體會嚴重影響生態,雖然目前已有許多處理氨氮的技術,但缺乏短時間內可快速轉化氨氮之方法。本研究因此以自行合成之沸石 (zeolite),對含高濃度氨氮之溶液進行吸附,並以常壓微波電漿進行沸石再生,達到轉化去除氨氮之目的。
去除水中氨氮之實驗,於 25℃、沸石劑量 (5~20 mg-zeolite/mg-NH4+-N) 下,探討初始氨氮濃度 (5-1000 mg-NH4+-N/L),以及吸附時間 (0.25-48 hr),對氨氮吸附容量 (mg NH4+-N/g zeolite),以及氨氮去除率之影響。 接著以常壓微波電漿進行再生,在1200 W、再生時間 2 min下,探討不同溫度 (200-400℃) 與氣體 (氮氣、空氣) 對氨氮破壞率與沸石再生能力之影響。 再生驗證乃藉由氯化鈉溶液,於 mole-Na+/g-zeolite = 1/1、脫附時間 30 min、25℃ 下進行;並與熱再生 (300℃、氮氣、升溫速率 15℃/min、恆溫 0 hr) 效果進行比較。
結果顯示:自行合成之沸石,主要為 X 型,含有少量 A 型。 在25℃、吸附時間 15 min、固液比 5 mg-zeolite/mg-NH4+-N下沸石之氨氮吸附容量最高可達 41.4 mg NH4+-N/g-zeolite,並於15 mins 達到飽和,具高吸附容量與快速吸附之能力。 以 2 M NaCl 溶液脫附,氨氮脫附率可達80%。 除此之外,在 25℃、初始濃度 1000 mg-NH4+-N/L、吸附15 min後,氨氮去除率可達 60% (吸附容量29.8 mg NH4+-N/g-zeolite)。 以常壓空氣微波電漿 (1200 W) 進行沸石再生,在 400℃ 時,氨氮脫附率可達 94%,但造成沸石結構與形貌破壞,導致難以進行重複吸附。 比較 300℃ 之電漿再生與熱再生,空氣電漿再生脫附量為吸附容量之 79.2%,具較佳的應用潛勢,降低電漿溫度低於 300℃,雖然再生效果較差,但對於沸石晶相、比表面積影響較小,相對於 300℃ 的熱再生結果較好,具有重複吸附使用之潛力。

The increasing levels of highly concentrated ammonium nitrogen wastewater in different bodies of water can cause serious ecological damage. Despite the abundance of techniques in treating ammonium nitrogen in water, there is still a lack of method that can be used to rapidly convert it. In this study, synthetic zeolite was utilized to adsorb high concentration of ammonium nitrogen in a simulated solution, and then the zeolite was regenerated via a rapid, dry plasma chemical process in order to convert and remove the ammonium nitrogen.
The removal of NH4+-N from water was conducted using 5~20 g-zeolite/L-wastewater, 5-1000 mg-NH4+-N/L of NH4+-N, adsorption time of 0.25-48 hour, and operated at 25℃. The effect of ammonium nitrogen adsorption capacity (mg NH4+-N/g zeolite) and the NH4+-N removal rate (%) were studied. The regeneration of zeolite was then carried out at 1200 W and 200-400℃ for 2 min using nitrogen or air microwave plasma torch. The comparisons of zeolite after regeneration by different methods such as plasma, NaCl solution, and thermal treatment, was also performed in this study.
The results from the analyses (crystal structure and morphology) made indicated that the synthetic zeolite is mainly composed of X-type zeolite and a trace of type A zeolite. Based on the conducted experiment, the maximum adsorption capacity could reach up to 41.4 mg NH4+-N/g zeolite and it can reach saturation within 15 minutes. This indicates that the zeolite has a high and rapid adsorption to ammonium nitrogen. Moreover, the ammonium nitrogen desorption rate can reach up to 80% when it was desorbed with 2 M NaCl solution. The study also revealed that at the given parameter: 25℃, initial NH4+-N concentration of 1000 mg-NH4+-N/L, and adsorption time of 15 min, the removal efficiency of NH4+-N reached 60% with an adsorption capacity of 29.8 mg NH4+-N/g-zeolite. The regeneration of zeolite was done using air plasma at 1200 W and 400℃. However, at 400℃, the desorption rate of NH4+-N reached up to 94% but the structure and morphology of zeolite were damaged, which resulted to a difficulty in repeated adsorption. Upon the comparison of plasma and thermal regeneration at 300°C, it is found out that the generated amount of air plasma regeneration and desorption is 79.2% of the theoretical adsorption capacity, which leads to an increased application efficiency. When the plasma is operated below 300℃, the specific surface area and destruction efficiency of NH4+-N have minimal influence in the decrease of adsorption capacity of the regenerated zeolite. However, it was detected that the zeolite retained its original crystal structure and morphology. In conclusion, the regeneration and reuse of synthesized zeolite for adsorbing ammonia -N in wastewater and desorption by dry plasma process, is a promising technique in the treatment of industrial wastewater.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
總目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1氨氮廢水 3
2-1-1 氨氮廢水來源及危害 3
2-1-2 氨氮廢水排放法規 4
2-2 氨氮廢水處理技術 6
2-3沸石簡介與吸附原理 9
2-4 沸石應用於廢水之處理 14
2-4-1 氨氮 14
2-4-2 重金屬 16
2-4-3 無機陰離子 17
2-4-4 有機汙染物 18
2-5 電漿簡介 21
2-5-1 微波電漿原理 21
2-5-2 電漿破壞氨之機制 23
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 25
3-1 實驗設備與藥品 25
3-1-1 材料與藥品 25
3-1-2 實驗裝置 25
3-1-3 分析儀器 27
3-2 實驗流程與參數設定 30
3-2-1 實驗流程 30
3-3-2 參數設定 33
3-3-3 實驗步驟 34
第四章 結果與討論 38
4-1 合成沸石之特徵分析 38
4-2 沸石吸附能力探討 43
4-2-1 吸附時間對沸石吸附容量之影響 43
4-2-2 初始濃度對沸石吸附能力之影響 44
4-3 沸石再生效益評估 46
4-3-1 氯化鈉溶液重複再生 LSX 沸石之結果 46
4-3-2 電漿再生與熱再生之效果比較 47
4-4 多次再生方法比較 49
4-4-1 重複吸附-再生成效探討 49
4-4-2 電漿重複再生對沸石吸附容量之影響 50
4-5 不同再生方法之特徵分析 53
4-5-1 吸附與化學再生對 LSX 沸石之影響 53
4-5-2 電漿重複再生對沸石之影響 58
4-5-3 熱再生對沸石之影響 74
第五章 結論與建議 78
5-1 結論 78
5-2 建議 80
參考文獻 81

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