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論文名稱(外文):Missing Personal Information Project for Information Security Risk Assessment Anomaly Detection
外文關鍵詞:Information Security Risk AssessmentAnomaly DetectionPersonal Information Project
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Nowadays, enterprises and companies rely more and more on computer system. Information security and risk assessment become an important key to protect information in the organization. Utilizing information technology to enhance working efficiency can become competitive, which strengthen the importance of information security.

The assessment is an effective way to improve information security. However, those data and results may be wrong due to personal negligence. For many cases, risk assessments always rely on some specific person’s experience and their own definition. Everyone has their personal recognition and tolerance to “Risk.” As a result, even people use the same way to do evaluation, the risk rating may be different because of subjective bias or evaluation error.
This thesis is to establish an effective detection mechanism through machine learning. This mechanism can detect and markup those error field in personal information rapidly and accurately. It can minimize the range of abnormal information and reduce the time that inspectors execute risk assessments. Therefore, with the mechanism of machine learning, organization can not only reduce cost in human resource but enhance the accuracy and efficiency in execute detection.

第 1 章. 緒論
1.1. 研究背景
1.2. 研究動機
1.3. 研究目的
1.4. 論文架構
第 2 章. 文獻探討
2.1. 資安風險評鑑的分類
2.2. ISO/IEC 31000
2.3. ISO/IEC 31010
2.4. ISO/IEC 27005
2.5. ISO/IEC 29134
2.6. NIST SP 800-30
2.7. 運用機器學習輔助風評鑑
第 3 章. 研究方法
3.1. 相似度量測
3.1.1. 餘弦距離 (Cosine Distance)
3.1.2. 傑卡德距離 (Jaccard Distance)
3.1.3. 歐幾里德距離 (Euclidean Distance)
3.2. 文字斷詞
3.3. 機器學習 _K-means
3.4. 資料探勘工具 _Orange3
第 4 章. 研究分析
4.1. 原始資料
4.2. 資料預處理
4.3. 文字斷詞
4.4. 資料轉換
4.5. 機器學習
4.6. 篩選相似度高之資料
4.7. 列出可能異常之資料
第 5 章. 結論
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