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論文名稱(外文):Development of vessel monitoring system based on location-based queries
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yuan-Ko
外文關鍵詞:location-based queriesvessel monitoringinteractive web pagedatabase
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In recent years, we are able to access new information quickly via the Internet because the threshold of owning the device is descending and the convenience of accessing the network has been improved. People can access information through the Internet rather than traditional TV media and paper copies. As lifestyle transition occurs, people can know real-time events happening from a distance. Dealing with a large amount of data is difficult for people to digest all the information and fetch any useful information. There seems to be a correlation between the time to access information and its usability. The most common data access mode for users to request data from the server is through their connecting devices. The system quickly accesses the database to provide effective information retrieval. In order to meet user’s requests, location-based service is one of the most efficient ways to retrieve information. The common vessel system is adapted to provide the basic message of vessels, rarely provided the surrounding information of the specific vessel. This study aims to develop the dynamic monitoring system, using a scripting code to design an interactive web page and simulation model for the vessels sailing on the sea. The user can know the position of the vessel and obtain the required location-based information by operating the front-end website that links to the back-end database. This system includes four procedures: the K-nearest neighbor vessel, the spatial range queries, the surrounding object queries, and the vessel collision detection.
目錄 頁次

第壹章、 緒論 1
第貳章、 相關研究 3
第一節、 LBS服務的方式 3
一、 基地台追蹤裝置位置,主動提供基於該位置的周遭資訊 3
二、 裝置提供本地位置向網路系統商要求信息 3
第二節、 LBS定位的方法 4
第三節、 傳統適地性查詢 5
第參章、 各類適地性查詢 7
第一節、 最近K個鄰船查詢 7
第二節、 空間範圍查詢 9
第三節、 周遭物體查詢 10
第四節、 物體碰撞查詢 12
第肆章、 系統實作 14
第一節、 船隻資料定義說明 16
一、 船隻編號 16
二、 地理位置座標 16
三、 航行速度向量 16
四、 時間戳記 17
五、 船隻種類 17
第二節、 系統架構說明 18
一、 船體端 18
二、 伺服器端 18
三、 資料庫端 19
四、 使用者端 19
第三節、 適地性查詢系統功能 19
一、 最近K個鄰船查詢功能 20
二、 空間範圍查詢功能 22
三、 周遭物體查詢功能 24
四、 物體碰撞查詢功能 26
第伍章、 實驗結果 29
第一節、 K值對於最近鄰近船隻查詢效能之影響 29
第二節、 指定距離R對於船隻周遭效能之影響 30
第三節、 指定空間範圍大小對於空間範圍查詢之影響 31
第四節、 距離d對於碰撞查詢效能之影響 32
第陸章、 結論與未來方向 34
參考文獻 35

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